Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Hey--by the way--you can see most of these photos enlarged if you double click them. And if you want to save them on your own computer, you can right click and choose "Save As." Just so you know :)

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

More Dinner Chat

At dinner time, Addie told Rich, "My mommy is cute all day long." Later, Rich told her she has chicken in her teeth and she said, "Oh, I gotta get some soffs." She meant "FLOSS."

She's a riot.

This morning Addie and I set up our nativity sets on one side of our bookshelves. Addie's arrived in the mail today from Fisher Price and mine was dug out of storage. Since the set up, Baby Jesus has been fussing, has eaten pudding, and taken several naps (including with Addie from 4-5pm on the couch). Posted by Hello

Here's what one of our bookshelves looked like after we set up our creches. The top one is mine (it has 10 more pieces, but we don't have a good place to set them up this year), the middle shelf is Christmas books and the bottom one is Addie's (well, it's for all the kids eventually--I highly recommend it! We could only find it on, but I bet in real towns they have toy stores and you can find them there.) Posted by Hello

The Best Baby in the World: Tonight at dinner I was reporting on my day, and I told Rich Heidi was the best baby in the world. Addie chimed in and said, "No, Baby Jesus is the best baby in the world." (here's the baby Jesus from her set). Posted by Hello

Monday, November 29, 2004


In my inbox (from on 11/21: Congratulations - your little one is now 3! More fun is in store for you now that she's no longer a baby: She's probably holding her own in conversations and running and jumping like an athlete, and will soon write her full name. She's developing more sophisticated social skills, too, such as taking part in structured games with others, like tag or go-fish. Before you know it, she'll be cracking jokes (though she may not always know how to deliver a punch line), remembering entire songs, and even reading. Although she'll soon be saying goodbye to toddlerhood, rest assured that life won't be boring with her around.

So true. Sounds like Addie is right on schedule.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

A Decade Already

This is an entry I never posted, written November 18th.

Man. Lots of stuff goin’ down today.

First, the fun Melin Girls Update—Heidi was weighed and measured today, and boy is she huge: 28” long and 20 lbs! There was a one-year-old boy right behind her who only weighed 2 ounces more and was ½ inch longer! Pobrecita is only 7 months old. We are amazons. Addie will be three on Sunday and she’s having a princess party on Saturday. She helped me make the goody bags last night, decorating brown lunch bags with glitter-glue crowns. Today she informed me that she named her favorite baby dolls Erika and Hattie. Actually, Erika was first called “Eris.” Her imagination is really developing, which provides us endless entertainment.

My little brother and his wife celebrate their 10th anniversary today. WOW. That makes us feel old. I am really grateful for my sister in law—the way she loves my brother and keeps his antics in check, and the way she is such a good mother. Willy really got lucky (especially considering his previous track record--ugh!), though he's a pretty great person, too. They have a beautiful family and I am so happy for them.

I am really busy today with visit teaching, WIC, playgroup, party prep, and of course, the house (actually, the houses --the old and the new). Ad’s birthday and the holidays always seem to sneak up on me and pounce! So more later.

Addie & Heidi had a great time playing on and around Grampa's coffee table on Thanksgiving night while we watched Seinfeld--here they are peeking out from underneath. Earlier we had taken a nap (after the tryptophan) and gone to see "Spongebob" at the movies. Posted by Hello

We spent Thanksgiving with my "real dad" Dad Layton in Pocatello, Idaho this year. My step sister, Kaycee, has a daughter (Becca) who is 6 weeks older than Heidi. Here they are playing on Dad's floor. Becca was trying to show Heidi how to get around--Becca's almost walking, while Heidi has yet to crawl. Heidi DID cut her first tooth on Thanksgiving night, though. Addie's response: "Yay, baby! Now you can eat things!" Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Addie turns three today! She had a Princess Party Saturday morning... Posted by Hello

Before the party Daddy took Addie outside to see the first snow fall of the winter! She was shouting, "Snow for my birthday!" Posted by Hello


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