Friday, June 15, 2012

Back In May

Little Birthday Boy at his fiesta on his first birthday.

While I was in Utah with Niles Rich took the big kids to play at the park one night.

Also while I was in Utah, the Oscar Meyer Weiner came to Livingston!

I got home from Utah on May 25th, a rainy Friday night, so we stayed in and had pizza and played games with thei Family Fin Family Night kit. the kids loved it and I was so glad to be home!

Addie had a recorder concert and a special duet playing Ode to Joy.

Addie playing recorder
On May 30th, Heidi's second grade class took a field trip to Mammoth in Yellowstone. Rich took the day off to go with her.

Heidi on the bus.

Heidi & Daddy on the bus to Mammoth.

Heidi's fielt trip group at the museum in Mammoth.

Heidi & a friend

Burned trees on the terraces at Mammoth

The surface of the terraces

Heidi sitting down to do a charcoal drawing of the terraces.

Artist at work

All the kids sketching

Rich has black adn white mode on his new phone camera

Panoramic of Mammoth

Our cute little artist

Heidi at Mammoth after a fun day with Dad & her class...only 6-1/2 days of second grade after this!

Monday, June 11, 2012

The First Week of June

On June first, we went to the ward potluck and it was a beautiful day. We made Dole's Baby Romaine Salad with cranberries, walnuts, feta, and green apples with a curry dressing and it was so yummy (google the recipe). It actually got eaten. On June 2nd, we cleaned up our house, then we cleaned the church as a family, and we reeeally cleaned it--like bleaching the toilets, returning materials to the closets and libraries, cleaning the erasers, etc. It was fun and exhausting--it took us almost 4 hours! Rich rewarded us with a fun family lunch at the Pop Stand followed by a nice nap. When I got up, I started making pies and crock pot dinner for Sunday. While I was rolling out pie crusts, Addie and Heidi came in to the dining room to show me a dance they'd made up. During their dance, Addie slipped don the wood floor and landed on her wrist. She turned pale and wailed, so Rich took her to the ER (all of these pix are from the phone)...

Addie at the R waiting to see the doc, pobrecita.

Rich & Addie

Dr. Coleman and the nurse gave Ad a temporary cast.

All better! She now has a cool, custom molded removable cast for a few weeks.

On Tuesday June 5th, Rich took the kids to the model train museum in the basement of the Depot. They loved see ign the hippie van in the model.

check out those tracks!

cute model town, not unlike ours.

three silly kids at the model railway
June 8th was the last day of school. James did a program with his kindergarten class, and then graduated to first grade!
James singing in his program

the whole class (minus Ashley ;))

James receiving his certificate and summer bridge book from Mrs. Mogen


The kids' releases were staggered, which means it took a whole hour to get them all out of school--James at 11, Heidi at 11:30,  Addie at 11:55. We went to the lagoon and enjoyed Subway sandwiches while Niles chased geese and tried to get in the water the whole time. Afterward we went to Western Drug's sods fountain for sundaes, then the kids all had birthday parties. It was a fun end-of-school!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012


Today I made a post on facebook and this is what it said: “Someone or something is forever telling us we need to be more handsome or more wealthy, more applauded or more admired than we see ourselves as being….”…”Who is it that whispers so subtly in our ear that a gift given to another somehow diminishes the blessings we have received? Who makes us feel that if God is smiling on another, then He surely must somehow be frowning on us? You and I both know who does this—it is The father of All Lies.”(-JR Holland, 2002). Competition is not Heavenly Father’s way…so just keep putting one foot in front of the other, onward, ever onward. ♥

I love that graphic...I would love to print it on a canvas and hang it in my house.

You may recognize that Holland quote from THIS POST--I wrote about it on my other blog a few years ago. So many things he has to say mean so much to me, they come at just the right time in my life to teach me (Elder Scott is super good at that, too, but more on that later). Anyway, I just wanted to share what happened to me when Elder Holland first gave that talk back in April 2002.

I remember the day clearly; we lived in Provo in the little white house. Addie was 5 months old and we'd been married for  14 months. I was still in a post-partum fog, but keenly feeling everything.  Rich's parents had come down for conference weekend to visit family and they helped us clean up our yard. They slept on our gosh-forsaken futon and played with Addie, and all of it, especially in retrospect, was so kind of them. They had headed home Sunday, so I was laying on our bed with baby Addie, watching conference on our little bedroom TV. As I listened to Elder Holland, it finally struck me, finally sunk in, that Heavenly Father's love for us is infinite. Not only does that means we will never stop loving us, it means he also loves EACH of us--every single one--equally, infinitely. In a finite, greedy world it is hard to wrap our little minds around a love that is immeasurable, that is never diminished as it is divvied up. But on that lovely Sunday, laying there loving my baby girl more than I have ever loved anyone or anything, I finally got it. Heavenly Father doesn't deal in commodities--it's all free, flowing, and without price. My motherlove gives me a taste of that, and in turn I am better able to trust my Heavenly Father because I know He loves me--and all of us--like I love my precious babes.

This talk also made me feel vindicated in not being competitive. I know how good or bad I am, and the only judge that matters to me isn't giving out ribbons and trophies. If YOU need a ribbon or a trophy, I want you to have it-- I don't think less of you. I'm just trying to cheer on every runner.
Elder Holland gave a similar talk this past April. Instead of teaching from the parable of the Prodigal Son, he used the parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard. It was equally beautiful. I also posted earlier in the week about that talk. I re-watched it Monday for personal study and it made me think of my dear little sister who tried to take her own life last Wednesday night. I fasted Sunday for lots of things, but one blessing I really hope for is that during this hospital stay, someone who can really help her will find her. I also prayed that something will help her let go of the things she has lost and help her to find value in herself as an individual--not just as a wife or mom--but as God's beautiful daughter who still has life and hope and purpose. These words are so beautiful to me:

"I do not know who in this vast audience today may need to hear the message of forgiveness inherent in this parable, but however late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love.
It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.

"Whether you are not of our faith or were with us once and have not remained, there is nothing in either case that you have done that cannot be undone. There is no problem which you cannot overcome. There is no dream that in the unfolding of time and eternity cannot yet be realized. Even if you feel you are the lost and last laborer of the eleventh hour, the Lord of the vineyard still stands beckoning. 'Come boldly [to] the throne of grace,' and fall at the feet of the Holy One of Israel. Come and feast 'without money and without price' at the table of the Lord."
I love you, Pickle.
I also had a most edifying & fun two-hour phone visit with my pal, "Aunt" Debbie today. It was so nice to talk and catch up on life and count our blessings. I have been feeling a little under-nourished from the outside, and Holland + Deb this week was like water + sun for a wilting spirit.

To read JRH's whole 2012 talk, click HERE.
To read JRH's whole 2002 talk, click HERE.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day

I slept so much this weekend, I must have been emotionally and physically exhausted in ways I didn't expect. I felt heavy and groggy and unable to open my eyes every afternoon. God bless Richard for picking up the slack and letting me get my bearings. Things are still indescribably...well, let's just say "unsettled" in our extended families, which makes it all the more blissful to be together in our own four walls with our own four kids :) Most all of the sickies were well by Monday, so we went to finish a few little chores at the ranch house, then went for a nice hot soak on a cold day.
The kids drove the ranch truck around the ranch.

This is Heidi driving back to the Quonset hut

And James driving the last 100 yards into the hut...they LOVED IT! Then we went to Chico. We decided to have lunch first, and we got a discount because the waitress messed up our order...I split a chef's salad with Heidi and WE LOVED IT!
Daddy & Niles swimming

Addie & James swimming

Heidi snuggling on the deck

my self-portrait at Chico

The mountains from the parking lot...

...and then from a few miles down the road at Emigrant

Niles fell asleep on the way home, with chocolate ice cream on his face

The kids in the van on the way home from Chico. It was about 3pm when we got home, so we all had a nice nap, then Rich grilled some chicken and we had a big salad and chicken and got ready for our week. Hope you had a lovely holiday, and hope Gram got home safe to Sierra Vista!
Monday night-Tuesday morning I had a tummy bug that wrung me out from head to toe. I was in bed (or the 'throom) all day with little memory of time passing. My dear Melissa took Niles and brought him back with dinner when I was just starting to come around (I kept an Emergn-C down around 4pm, just in time for kids to come home from school). I am so thankful for good sisterfriends who have my back when evil viruses attack--there are just no words, Brownleg! Looking forward to fast Sunday and getting direction for the summer and praying for my loved ones in need (and praying to be neighbors with Melissa ;)) ("if it be thy will"...ugh)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Eve

Tonight after Niles went to bed around 8pm, we went outside and made s'mores while the sun set. When it was almost dark, we lit sparklers and snuggled. It's 37 degrees and sprinkling out there, perfect night for fires and snuggling and counting our blessings while we remember those who went before us and made our blessings possible. Tonight, the blessing I am counting is relationships: "For the joy of human love; brother, sister, parent, child/ friends on earth and friends above, for all gentle thoughts and mild..." and "The same sociality that exists among us here will exist among us there..." What a wonderful thing to hope for. Also, Happy 31st Birthday to my brother Matt, whom I love and admire so much. He's a good ol' goat.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...