Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ammon's Birth, Part II (Photos)

Friday night (May 9th) before my scheduled induction we had a nice family prayer and Rich gave me a blessing. Then we took some crazy pix with my four kiddos.
Addie, Heidi, James, and Niles surrounding Mommy

Sillies! Niles hiding my big belly

At 8am Saturday morning (May 10th), we headed in to have our baby.

Our friends and fellow ward members The Klings were there with their 3-day-old tiny,
Callen. He was only 4lbs 9 ounces (ish). We visited as I walked the halls. I pretty
much walked all day, with a break to sit and watch edited-for-TV
"Bridesmaids" on USA network (ha!). I was still up and around
20 minutes before baby came!
Ammon came out squeaking and purplish...I was a little concerned...

...but we rubbed him and got some cried out of him and he pinked up
Holding my baby for the first time is a feeling I wish I could have a million times.
It never stops being so magical, and it's the greatest relief and joy you can ever experience in life!!!

sweet little squishy

We had nearly an hour to just gaze at one another...I love those curious little newborn eyes!


You can see Ammon's skinned-up face...I pushed him out so quick, he took that last corner
a little too fast and skinned his nose and bruised his forehead. It was gone the next day, though.

They even weighed the same!

excited Big Brother!

Sibling Love!

Auntie Love!

Aunt Laura had her son Gabriel 20 years earlier, this same day!
(Yes, Ammon was born on Gabe's 20th Birthday)

Ammon finally REALLY cried when he had to get weighed, at about 45 minutes old.

sweet face

Big Sis Heidi

Addie, Niles, and Ammon

Happy to be meeting

My Three Sons

Loving Big Brothers

James is so good with Ammon

Ammon found his thumb with Daddy

Carrie and Callen came to visit when Ammon was about 30 minutes old

Aunt Laura showing off toes...Ammon was so big next to Callen!

A moment of peace when the kids went home, before the nurses came
 and got me showered and moved to recovery

getting to know one another

sweet baby snuggles

After his bath and my shower, settling in for a hard day's night.
We both worked hard all day and were so happy to rest together.

Monday, April 28, 2014

FAMILY LETTER 04.27.2014

Dear Loved Ones,

 April is almost over and boy it has flown by with all the activities and holidays! It has been exhausting, but tons of fun. We loved hearing from Mom & Dad Melin this week and all your adventures and pretty spring pictures! Also loved seeing and hearing about Brother and Sister McCann…what a nice connection to make. We won’t have any good spring pictures for a week or two, but it’s definitely starting to look “NOT DEAD” out there after all the rains we got this week…the green is winning!

Last Monday was our last day of Spring Break and the kids spent most of the day out on the trampoline eating popcorn and popsicles. Everyone had a friend over at some point, and then we worked on the yard in the yard for Family Home Evening. We got our blue spruce planted and Rich finished the gates to the back yard. He also scored some sod for us from the new house down on the corner. We offered to buy it, but they just gave it to us (we had run out last fall and had about 200 sf on the side of the house by the chimney that needed some grass).

Tuesday was Earth Day and we felt so very green, having planted grass and trees the night before, hahaha. Tuesday also marked 20 years since I came home from my mission to North Carolina. I posted some old pix on Facebook and had some fun messages from old mission friends. Rich continued his work on the shed, trying to beat out the evening rains. He’s working on the inside and waiting for a dry forecast to paint it.

Wednesday morning my brother Michael and his wife welcomed their second daughter, Autumn Belle. She’s a cute little chunky monkey and they got some sweet family pictures at the hospital--so happy for them! Wednesday night was YW/YM and Scouts. Apparently the boys did the girls’ makeup for the youth activity. The boy who did Addie’s face did a pretty good job, actually—she looked pretty fancy when she got home!

Thursday morning I had a checkup. I lost 2 pounds last week, but baby grew. I’m measuring a little over 36cm/weeks. My Group B strep was positive so I will have to get antibiotics after all—bummer. The doctor found baby’s head and he is burrowed in and ready for launch. My bp is rising but not drastically, and blood sugar is still fine. So we will wait and see, no definite plans right now, but a tentative induction date of May 16th—Grandma Becky’s and Cousin Larkin’s birthday—fun! I also got a haircut and highlights Thursday, so I’m all set for the next few months.

Friday I did laundry and got the house ready for Carrie Kling’s baby shower on Saturday. I put away all the Easter décor and also started making some food. I made cookie bars for Addie to take to YM/YW Game Night on Friday night. They were a big hit, so I am sharing the recipe. While Addie went to her activity, Rich watched Indiana Jones with the kids and I rested. It was a cozy rainy night, perfect for a movie by the fire.

Saturday morning Jennifer and Michaela Claar came over and finished up the party prep. Addie finished the cutest cupcakes and I made pinwheel and croissant sandwiches. The shower was from 11am-1pm and we had about 30 people attend. Carrie got lots of nice gifts and lots of love. We also got the news that Melinda Lowe had her twin girls in Billings on Friday. Babies London and Kennadie were healthy but a month early and just under five pounds each, so they will be at the NICU for a while learning to eat and breathe. But it sounds like everything went well and Melinda is fine—EXCITING! Saturday afternoon after the party, the girls had some friends over to play xbox and basketball (Izzi and the Johnson boys). Friends went home and Rich took us all to Mark’s In-n-Out for dinner and we came home for another rainy movie night.

Sunday I missed church because I didn’t sleep much Saturday night, but I got some rest and felt better that afternoon. Rich and the kids went, then came home for naptime. In the afternoon, our home teacher came, then we had some friends over for tortillas and cheese and let our kids all hang out and visit for a while. My PT/friend/former neighbor Meg came over with her family, and our friends the Roberts came, too. They kids got all their Sunday crazy out playing with friends and the grown-ups had a fun visit, too. Addie had some forgotten math homework, so I helped her instead of writing this letter last night. She is trying so hard to keep up as that class moves pretty darn fast for her. We are really proud of how she has adjusted to middle school.

So that’s our week! Hard to believe next week is MAY and I’ll be writing on Summer’s and Jared’s BIRTHDAY! Hope you all have a happy, healthy, sunny, spring-y week. Remember we love and miss you!

Love, Rich and Jamie and Family

Plants on 4/21

My Hairdo on 4/24

Carrie's Baby Shower on 4/26

Addie made cupcakes

Carrie, guest of honor

Catch of the Day Party Favors-Goldfish and Swedish Fish

Carrie, Michaela the Unicorn, and Aron Kling


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...