Dear Loved Ones,
Birthday to our nephew Tyler Oslin today! He’s gettin’ OLD. He’s probably still
sweatin’ in Phoenix, but we are all snuggled up by the fire watching “Big Jake”
with the family after a busy week/ weekend.
Monday we came down off our conference high pretty fast by waking to the news
of the mass shooting in Las Vegas. It was sad to know that as the sun rose,
they were still clearing the scene and counting victims. Terrible. The day got
a little worse when Tom Petty died. Bummer day. On the bright side: We listened
to uplifting stories of heroism and selflessness and service all week. Also, I
took Ammon to the dentist to get his first little cavity filled and he did
great. In fact he is super excited to go back and get the other side done in 2
weeks, lol. We got home just in time to meet the big kids after school and take
James to soccer practice. We had a nice dinner with everyone home, and for
family night we watched and discussed Sister Jones’ talk from conference and
found ourselves in the crowd during the half-time song (we mostly could see
Abby’s shirt and Isabelle’s bun). Tuesday is kind of a blur, but I do remember
getting all the laundry done and taking Niles to soccer practice.
on the other hand, was so dang busy. We got everyone ready to go to Niles’
school for picture day so all their photos match. Right after that I went and
got a haircut, then got Ammon some lunch at home and changed, then we picked up
Addie at 12:45 to go to the dentist in Bozeman. We hurried home and got James
to soccer practice and made dinner. The big kids went with Dad to YW and
scouts, and the little boys and I colored some pictures and made a fall box for
Great Grandma Lyn.
Thursday morning Ammon and I went to the post office after we took Heidi to
school. We mailed our packages and then came home to do projects, I gutted the
laundry room while Ammon played mega blocks and watched Daniel Tiger and
sometimes helped me. I kept working on the laundry and laundry room even after
dinner, taking a break to call Sam and wish him a Happy 40th Birthday and to
read with the little boys.Friday I had grand plans to continue organizing all
the linens and laundry I had dug out of the laundry room, but Ammon was not having
it. Instead he wanted to “make somefings.” So we made a felt banner of his name
to hang in his room and also some gluten free orange-vanilla cupcakes with
Halloween sprinkles. We shared them with neighbors and that was fun. When the
big kids got home from school, we turned right around and went downtown to
watch the homecoming parade. It was so fun to see all the schools, all the
teams and organizations with their floats, and all the townspeople out cheering
on the high school. We don’t have the best football team, but the town was
really celebrating the team and the whole school in general. It was nice to
see. After dinner Addie went to the game and had some friends over afterward,
which was nice. I sure love all our youth and I am glad they like to be together.
began with 7:45 am soccer again (no more early games, and only 1 week left in
the season). I can see marked improvement in the boys’ playing, especially
James. He is so meek and uncompetitive, he runs a lot but doesn’t often go
after the ball. We saw him really get in there a few times this game and even
take a good slide after getting tripped up. Pretty impressive for Sweet Baby
James. Grandma and Grandpa Melin joined us for both games, 8-10:40am, and we
got to visit about their wonderful visit with Elder Hallstrom in the temple all
week. Pretty great experience! After the games, we all went to Murdoch’s Ranch
supply for a 25-cent burger barbecue, then I took Addie to work and Rich took
the boys out to press cider with Grandpa and Grandma. Heidi came home with me
to help continue the cleaning out of the downstairs. Yesterday it was the play
room. We cleaned out 4 boxes of toys and books to give away (or throw away).
It’s kind of crazy how sentimental I felt about all the board books. A few of
our favorites have made it through all 5 kids and are being saved in my
‘Grandma Box.’ So many sweet memories with my baby girls! My sweet hubs did the
grocery shopping for me because he needed to get some garage stuff at Costco.
So he went shopping, we kept cleaning, and he brought home a bunch of tacos for
dinner so I could stay focused on the basement. My very last task of the night
was scrubbing squirty cheese off the playroom walls at 9pm--Ammon had rubbed
cheese all over the walls this summer and Addie had tried to clean it, but
there was still a layer of cheese on the wall! Memories, people!
had a lovely Fast Sunday today. Testimonies were sweet and all the lessons went
well. I got to sub in Naomi Johnson’s Sunday School class while she and Matt
are in Hawaii. We learned about inviting others to become more like Christ, and
I got to share Elder Palmer’s “Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him” talk from
April. I never get tired of studying that talk (and hearing his awesome Aussie
accent). The kids were GREAT. Delaina Bloxham taught an excellent lesson from
GHB about virtue. I’m grateful for an edifying, restful Sabbath (great lessons
AND a nap). It is just what we needed!
just remembered that yesterday marked 25 years since I entered the MTC. It
truly feels like a blink of an eye, though there are a few periods of that 25
years that felt like centuries. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve,
and moreso for all the blessings and growth I have experienced since. Full time
missions are a privilege and a blessing and they can completely transform you
if you let them. It is the very best start to adulthood that I can think
imagine. I am grateful for those who made it possible for me to go and stay
out, and for all the great people I met who still bless my life. And I am
grateful that the work continues and I get to play my small part with my little
family. Sweet is the work! And boy, does our world need it.
love you all and wish you a wonderful week!
Love, Jamie, Rich, and Family
10/4- Fall crafts with Niles and Ammon |
10/4 Punkins |
10/4 Ammon with a pinecone he picked up for Gram Lyn |
10/5 Clean Laundry room! |
10/6- Homecoming- Go Rangers! Addie and Jeanette |
Jeanette, Addie, and Clara |
10/6- HoCo Parade! |
James and Niles |
Carter Roberts and the JV team giving candy to Ammon |
Addie and friends on the sophomore float |
Ammon, James, and Niles counting up their parade booty |
Post-Game soiree with the cool kids Addie, Brianna, Clara, Jeanette, Mikayla, Mitch, Tyler, and Orrin |
10/7 Felt Banner-maybe this will help him learn his letters ;) |
10/7 Niles Soccer game |
James' Soccer Game |
10/7 Beautiful fall day |
RANCH APPLE CIDER with Gram and Gramp! |
Niles and Ammon and apples
Ammon gettin' juice |
Helping Grandpa Melin |
Helping Grandma |
10/7 clean playroom! |
Heidi says, "TA-DAAAAA!" |
Heidi's cute selfie |
Niles ("Missionary in Training") and Ammon ready for church 10/8 |
October 7, 1992: 25 years ago I entered the MTC This is me with my MTC comps Nancy Sloan and Kristin Macdonald |
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