Sunday, September 12, 2004

Much Better

I had a great night's sleep on Friday night! Rich took the girls to his mom's at 7:30am while he went to work on the house and I slept in until 10! Then I did some house work and went to work on the house from 1-4pm and then collected my girls and stuff and made dinner for the missionaries. We had yummy tacos and watched a 9-11 show on CNN then we all hit the sack before 9pm! Tired folks we are.

So I've got 2 decent nights of sleep under my belt and I am feeling much better. Addie is still pretty much potty trained, but she and Heidi are both still waking up several times at night from coughing. Pobrecitas. I am looking forward to getting back into my normal routine juggling housework, exercise, childcare/playtime, creative projects and meals with some semblance of success.

I am posting some "then and now" pictures of our house project. It's looking really nice now that the garage is going up and the roof line looks more normal. It's raining right now and we are hoping to get a break in the forecast to finish the tar paper and protect our house and roof from more water. Last week we bought some materials to put up the basement walls, so maybe if it's rainy we can head downstairs. I swept most of the basement yesterday and came out feeling like I had black lung and some kind of mud-spa treatment. That super-fine dust down there made a nice putty with my sweat! Yuck.

So all is well with us. The days keep rollin' along and I'm keeping the family alive.

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