I had my almost-28-week check up yesterday and I got busted! My first BP reading when I arrived was 162/90 (!!), then 142/85. I also lost 3 pounds since my May 30th visit, which added up to some concern. I guess gestational hypertension can slow down baby's growth rate if it's not monitored and treated, so now I am being monitored and treated, just in case (even though I am measuring fine & baby seems to be very active). The first step is an ultrasound next Friday (6/30) to check for growth and general organ health. The next step is monitoring the blood pressure EVERY week now and having about 4 more ultrasounds to monitor growth, too. Actually, the VERY first step is me resting for 2-3 hours a day, about half of that on my left side. As you can imagine, that's not going over well with the girls! Although yesterday I had a good hour nap when Heidi was napping and Addie watched "A Bug's Life." My iron went down this month, too--I was so proud of my "39" hematacrit count--a record high for me--but it's down to 32 now, so I'm back on daily iron--YUMMY!
All of that aside, I feel better than I ever have before in a pregnancy, so even though we're in a potentially dangerous situation, at least have have a little bit of energy to deal with it! And I am not too sick to take my vitamins. Click here to read about baby (I tried to post the imge and text, but blogger images is not cooperating).
I love all the pictures. It looks like you guys had a great time. I was thinking how fun it would be to stop and see Mt. Rushmore, but I don't know how that would come across with darrin and the boys. I'm just happy that we get to stop and see Matty on our way out.
Glad to hear you are felling better, despite the PIH. I totally understand...I had PIH with all 4 kids and it can be a drag!!
I am so glad that you guys had a good time and are back....but now I am headingout on Friday and I will be gone for 3 weeks....
We HAVE to get together when I get back!!!!
Take good care of yourself, you belong to me (doot doot doo-doot)!
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