Friday, September 08, 2006

Still more birth pictures...

That's me, ready to POP on Tuesday night with my mom. I'm so glad she came and she got to witness the birth of a was really cool (except for the part where I kept throwing up and ruining the otherwise-jovial occasion).
Here's proof that James is gigantic...edited for the web!
Addie is such the Little Mommy! She has been taking great care of me AND James. I am hoping we all adjust smoothly to his arrival!
Addie came and shared lunch and some quiet time with me and James before we checked out of the hospital yesterday...she was SOOOO excited!
Going Home... Baby James was NOT thrilled about the car seat.
I have the complete birth story written in James' baby journal, I just have to find a quiet moment to type it into the blog. It's coming soon! Life is good here...our first day home was not so bad, although I was feeling pretty bad at 3am trying to get him to latch on when my milk came in and he was squealing and grunting and frustrated. A few hours of sleep made a big difference and we have enjoyed a nice peaceful day at home as a family...
"and now we are five!"


Geo said...

Addie looks like she is in Deep Smit. I do believe she's in love!

cmhl said...

his head looks almost as big as Addie's!

sweet babies, all three of them...

Jenny said...

Congrats to you and your family! He will make a great football player! WOW 9 pounds! Hope you all are well!

Jennifer Kelsey
(Jennifer Claar's friend)

Jill Petersen said...

He is so beautiful! The doggie outfit is a 3-6 month size and Ben didn't wear it till he was 21/2 months old! I always loved putting it on him! I hope Audrey sees them soon! That used to be Liams!

Brooks Brown said...

on baby James
He is as beautiful as his proud big sisters and what a hoss!

Brent said...

That picture of Addie and James is cuh-LASS-ic. I love it. I'm happy to hear everyone's doing well!

Johanna Buchert Smith said...

Ditto me on all the James lovin, but what I want to know is: who, in the midst of new baby hubbub did Addie's hair so cute?

Jamie said...

Joh--Addie's hairstylist was her Nana. With 8 daughters, Nana knows her way around a comb and some hairbows!

I, on the other hand, have very limited little-girl-hairstyling, um...I can make a straight part and a ponytail and I can roundbrush with the best. But I am not a good braider or curler or twister or whatever they seem to think is poor girls! I am very handy with the clippers, though, so James will alwyas be well-shorn!


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