Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday Update

Hola! I am still only half awake all day...shucks. Yesterday the hospital called and told me that I am scheduled for an updatake scan...on Thursday I have to go to the hospital at 8am and take some radioactive iodine capsules, then come back at 1pm for the first scan, and then return Friday morning at 8am for the uptake scan. Good times! I LOVE eating things that are radioactive!
On a brighter note, look how fun my kids are...

(We didn't let James play outside because Rich fertilized the lawn and we just know he'd eat the fertilizer. Surprisingly, Heidi didn't eat it either.)


Jill Petersen said...

James doesn't look too sad to be inside. They are so freakin cute! I love Heidi's nose all sqwished up!

Jill Petersen said...

James doesn't look too sad to be inside. They are so freakin cute! I love Heidi's nose all sqwished up!

michaeledrews said...

Jamie I miss you. I will be in utah from oct 4 to the 8th for conferance i would love to see you!! Love your bro

Geo said...

Aw, honey. I wish I could help you out right now. Sounds like rough and tumble times. My drugged-out little heart is right there with you. I love you. Please don't make a habit of radioactive snacks. Want to come over later and share some detox tea with me?

michaeledrews said...

Jamie can you do the top of my page like amy's. like have photos of me on it

Jenn said...

Thinking of you....hey will you glow in the dark???
Love ya!!

shoeaddict said...

What exactly is this scan for?

How is the Lexapro working?

Jamie said...

Mike: You probably know by now that we'll be down there for conference, Oct. 3-7 (well, driving home on the 7th), so we will see you and we're SO excited!

Georgia: I would LOVE some detox tea! You should have heard the herbology remedy my dad called and gave me! Holy Cow! I did a little research, and since I just can't afford to have--ahem--"loose stools" and body aches for three months, I think I'm gonna go with the medical remedy this time. Hopefully that detox tea will reverse any damage the Lortab is doing! I hope you know how much I love you and I hope we can manage a conference weekend rendezvous!

Jenn: I got your messages today--I am well, but I didn't get home until 2pm from the hospital, and then I had to go pick up Addie. I'm not sure if I glow, but I'll tell you tonight if my pee does! :) Thanks for being a friend!

Kristen: The scan is to determine the size and hyperactivity of the thyroid from what I understand. I will post a link in my next post. The Lexapro has chilled me out to the point where I don't really care about anything (things stopped stressing me out) and I feel sleepy all the time, but that should cease soon. Thanks for caring...I hope you are feeling better soon, too! :)

shoeaddict said...

No problem. Of course I care!! Thanks for that


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