Friday, March 07, 2008

Mama's Boy

When We're Helping We're Happy from MelinFamily on Vimeo.


Lisa said...

Absolutely darling. But that "throwing things away" trick can be an expensive hobby. My sister's 18 month old loves to put things in the trash. They've lost two Netflix videos that way! :O

Jamie said...

Ah, yes! I have been warned! My friend's little girl threw away a set of keys--those computerized kind. YIKES! The beauty of James' "helping" is that he is so meticulous about sorting things out--he almost always puts the trash in the trash, the books and toys in teh kids' room, the laundry in the laundry room, etc...It's awesome! ;)

Jill Petersen said...

Thank you so much for filming your beautiful boy! I am going to asume that was all for Aunt Jilly! j/k

I am so proud of that kid! You are so lucky to have him in your family. I am SOOOOOOOOO happy you have a son! Now have him come over to my house and help teach my kids how to do that!


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