Friday, May 02, 2008


Still Alive
Still sick with sinus/cough thing
Still busy prep 4 teacher appreciation week
It was warm for three days and then it started snowing again Wednesday
The kids are great
Heidi getting over fever/cough
James cut new tooth
Addie well and excited for summer vacation
Rough spring--
seems like everybody is sick and it's lingering!
Rich has a purple toe from dropping huge hammer on it
Learned lots of interesting (or alarming, depending on your situation) at Stake Preparedness Committee meeting last night.
The next four years are gonna be a fun ride, y'all!

More later when I feel better
and Teacher Appreciation Week is under control...

Lots of pix to post, too...

PS: Anybody fasting this weekend, please include my mama and her abdominal pain and numb leg in your prayers! She had a CT scan yesterday looking for lympohoma or colon invaders...pray it's something easily treatable!


Lyndi said...

Thank you for your prayer request. I firmly believe that it is all in His hands...and I am good with what ever happens....I know He loves me and that is really all I need to know. Thank you for your love and prayers.......I love you!

Creole Wisdom said...

I'll pray for your mom! The hammer to the toe sounds so very painful. Ouch! Sorry bout the snow, I know how that is... global warming must be real (did you get the sarcasm) ; )

Shoeaddict said...

I hope everything turns out ok for your mom. I also hope your family gets well. It is just so crazy to hear about it snowing there when we are SO HOT.


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