Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Happy Veterans' Day!When I start counting my loved ones who are also veterans, I run out of fingers! Who knew my family was so brave, and I would marry into another brave family? Thanks to all of you for your service and for your example to me and my children.

More news from J-Diddy (Dad Layton)...

"Becky called me about 4:15 this morning. Her mother passed away a little after 4. She said last week that Rodney (Becky’s dad) would be here Thursday to get her. Guess he needed to come a little early. Becky is having a hard time dealing with it, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Love y’all"

E-me if you need Dad's address to send a card. Also, Dad's 64th birthday is Thursday. He says he's ok and the doctors believe he is just recovering from a bad virus.

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Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...