Friday, June 19, 2009

Who Blogs

I’ve read/heard a few people go off on bloggers lately (and many times before), saying that it takes a special kind of narcissist to be arrogant enough to think the world cares about one’s thoughts or doings. I realize that there are a million reasons why people blog, and as many different types of bloggers, but I wanted to speak for myself (and probably most of the bloggers I read--regarding teh "Famiyl Blog" or "mommy-blog").

My blogging life began with weekly emails (back in the 90’s before blogger) when I moved away from loved ones and needed an efficient way to keep in touch. As I collected more to share (I moved to a new and interesting place, had three children who do noteworthy things each day, etc.), it seems technology advanced to suit my needs. I love that I have a central location to post stories and photos from my life, and link to all my dear ones who are doing the same thing.

I happen to know that my grandparents check their family’s blogs at least once every single day. I think of that often when I set aside computer time for myself. I really do try to find something to post for them (and time to post it) every day. Sometimes I have a lot to say—my own opinions, things weighing on my mind; other times I have great stories or photos of the kids. Sometimes I have nothing to say but I am still alive. The point is, I know that my loved ones are looking for word from me because I am looking for word from them. I am genuinely interested in their everyday lives. In fact, I am genuinely interested in most everyone’s everyday lives. People, in general, are totally fascinating to me. I love reading how similar others are to me. I love reading about lives that are totally different from mine, too—lifestyles and adventures I will never know. It’s like blogging was made for me—it saves e a lot of trips to the library for biographies!

So then I was thinking about the kinds of people who say the kinds of things about bloggers that lump us together as arrogant and self-centered nut jobs (which is not entirely untrue, I’m just saying it’s a pretty broad generalization, which I will answer with a pretty broad generalization). I think I know this “type” of person. I think there is a certain degree of projection involved in one’s attitude about blogging. People who love blogs and blogging are “people-persons,” and especially “family-people,” and they expect to find others with the same attitude online. People who hate blogs and blogging tend to be uninterested in the lives of others, and just don’t connect with the private or mundane side of life. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. You know, different strokes for different folks and all. You get what you give. you know.

I just write to share my daily life with people whom I wish were a part of it. Since we can’t be neighbors and all up in each others’ bidness (and maybe that’s for the best), we can do it virtually via the blog. I am not asking or assuming that what I write will be of interest to anyone but my loved ones with whom I have shared my address, and who have taken the time to log on and read up. And even then I’m not making any promises! And I, for one, DEVOUR all the news, thoughts, and photos posted by y loved ones. To my critics (if there are any critics of “the family blog”), I mostly feel like saying "If you don’t like it, don’t read it." It’s pretty simple.


Laura said...

AMEN SISTA!!! I love the Fotos. :)

Sarah said...

You know, I decided when I first started to blog that it was for my children. Anyone else who wanted to share in my families life was welcome, but I did it for them. I consider them our families "large plates". What a better way to keep a family journal!

AuntieM said...

thanks for sharing. I do devour yours and your siblings blogs. I miss being with you and being close to your family. Your blog keeps me smiling and keeps the family bond tight. Hugs

Alana said...

I love your comments. I agree, you don't like? don't read it. But, I love it so keep writing. I love hearing about other's lives. It helps me keep my own in perspective. Now that I've found a great cheap place to print my blog in a nice hard bound book, I think its a fabulous way to journal. I am a horrible journal writer, and so I'm hoping blogging for me will be a way to capture at least some of my random thoughts and the activities that the kids do. You inspired me to start a family blog after reading so much on yours so I thank you! Keep blogging.

Geo said...

People . . .
People who need people . . .
Are the lu.cki.est. peeeepul
In the world!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...