Monday, July 06, 2009

Some Addie Wisdom

Yesterday I let my bro and nephews play the wii when they came in from camping around 11am. I was in bed (coughing) and Addie was laying next to me complaining about being bored. [I make the kids at least TRY to Keep the Sabbath until after naps in the evening (you know--sundown-to-sundown--we call this our Jewish Sabbath and it works pretty well, as long as we START it on Saturday night), so it was unusual to have the game going and she was jealous].

"Mom, can I play the Wii when they are done?"
"No. It's still Sunday, even if we stay home sick."
"It's time to think about Jesus. Does playing the wii help you think about Jesus?"
[looong pause]
"Well, when we play wii we can make people, just like Jesus makes people, so we are trying to be like Jesus."

TOUCHE, my lass, touche! I told her that was a good try, but she would have to wait a while (we played Book of Mormon Go Fish instead). She's a clever one!

1 comment:

Rich said...

The force is strong with this one! Addie I love you!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...