Saturday, October 03, 2009

Addie on Parenting (again)

We were seated at our bar tonight (Rich was gone to priesthood meeting) eating dinner (another soup--beef stew this time, made with our own carrots, onions, green beans, corn, and tomatoes, local beef, and store-bought celery, with RHODES rolls on the side--HEAVENLY) and I was still scolding Heidi for getting into the frozen yogurt and getting it into her hair FIVE MINUTES after her bath & blow-dry.

"I need you to listen and stop making bad choices," I said.

"Well, you're the baddest mom in the world!" she retorted.
"Yeah, you're the baddest mom!" James chimed in.

I was about to ask them if they meant that in the Michael Jackson-sense of the word, because then I would say, "Why, thank you!" But Addie piped up first.

"Hey guys, mom is NOT the baddest mom in the world!" She turned to me as if to share a secret and said, "They just say that when they don't like what you're saying. You're not really a bad mom."

"Oh, thanks," I said.

"Heidi, if mom was the baddest mom she wouldn't know how to cook or do the dishes. And she would say mean things all day and lock us in our room, " Addie explained.

"And she would take away our toys and she would just sit on the couch and eat chips and watch movies, " Heidi added.

"And feed us just, like, celery and peanut butter for dinner," said Addie.

So there you have it folks--a backhanded list of what it takes to be a bad mom. I hope that makes all you moms feel much better about yourselves [ROFL.......].


Laura said...

She is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! you mean it's not okay to eat chips all day on the couch? I thought that's what all stay at home moms do?!


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