Saturday, October 16, 2010


Today at the Stake Provident Living Expo (which my husband organizes each year) in Bozeman, they served a wonderful lunch of three kinds of soups, rolls, and fresh fruit--perfect for a rainy fall day!

James took an orange and stuffed it in the inside pocket of his patagonia fleece. A few minutes later he patted it and said, "Mom, I'm saving this orange for Papa Bill when Jesus makes him back alive. He loves oranges and I want to share it with him."

It still makes me cry, just typing it.


Stephanie :) said...

That is so sweet. It's wonderful to hear the tender testimony of your little boy. It sounds like they are kindred spirits. Love to you!

Elizabeth said...

Well, was the orange whole or sliced?

Jamie said...

It was whole.

My grandpa grew oranges and shared them with us every Christmas. He even wished for them in the hospital during chemo when he couldn't have any. I love that my kids will always associate oranges with Papa. As for me, I pretty much associate everything good--"virtuous, lovely, of good report or praise worthy"-- with him, for he taught me to notice and savor it all.


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