And so as I drifted off to sleep, I began to sob (I'm a little hormonally imbalanced right now) because that great love in my life is gone and life hasn't even slowed down enough for me to really feel it. But the closer the holidays come, the more my heart aches for my grandpa. So of course I dreamed he was with us for the holidays, and I woke up feeling his absence like never before. I told all that to Heidi in six-year-old terms. She responded, "Oh, I miss Papa Bill, too. He talked to me the other night in my bed when I was missing him."
"Oh, really?" I said, curious. "What did he say to you?"
"Well, he wasn't really talking to me, mom. It was just like when Jesus talks to you with a feeling in your heart, you know? And he said, 'Heidi, don't be sad. I love you so much!' and I felt better."
I'm not kidding. That is exactly what Heidi said (I wrote it down when we got to the dental office because I loved it). It makes me feel happy because I know she is learning to feel and recognize the Spirit, and also that she has an eternal relationship with my grandfather, which is something I really hoped for my children.

"For the joy of human love--brother, sister, parent, child
Friends on earth & friends above--for all gentle thoughts and mild
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise."
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