Sorry I have been away so long. Not much is going on so it's not like you're missing much. We just spent a week focused on the ranch house. Hopefully all the decisions we made will keep the project rolling along. I am now the webmaster for Diamond Bar Seven, which means I now have a part time job setting up our vacation rental website as well as maintaining the new RANCH BLOG and getting all our marketing stuff and contracts together. No big deal, right? Yeah.
So if you get bored here, you can prolly find something new over at the ranch blog. This week I'll be working on the ranch history and some construction "Before and After" Posts. I can't wait to show you how the guys moved the stairs from the laundry room to the living room. It's kind of awesome, and so is the new huge picture window/ sliding glass door facing the river.
On Friday, James and I are heading south for a little sunshine and love with Grandma Lyn and the rest of our AZ family in Sierra Vista (If you are an Elrey relative in AZ, you should plan to come down to Grandma's 80th birthday dinner next Sunday at the Mayberry home/ Sam& Kristen's house!!). We look forward to it, although I am always a little nervous to travel when pregnant. I hope my hubs and girls will be happy and loved in my absence. Sniffle.
Anyway, all is well as far as I know. I'll update soon with a few snow-fun photos.
1 comment:
Thanks for your comments on my blog last week. I haven't followed anyones blog for many, many, many months so I didn't know all that was and is going on with you. Sorry for your losses, but congrats on the new forthcoming baby! Hope all goes well. I'll relay your comments to my Mom.
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