Thursday, July 21, 2011

Midsummer Night

My darling hubs went to college at BYUH in Laie, Hawaii on Oahu's north shore. He had a great time not just in school or at the beach, but working as a photographer at the Polynesian Cultural Center and working on the yearbook, too. His best college friends are from the yearbook staff, so you can imagine our excitement when his friend and former editor, Amber Bodily Greenwood and her family came to visit us from Northern California this weekend. Amber is becoming a Foot Zonology Master at the Zonology Institute in Paradise Valley, just a stone's throw from the ranch. So we had them stay with us the night before her latest training session began. We had SUCH a good time with them! After a delicious dinner of camping leftovers, we played out back with some sparklers.
Lighting sparklers at the grill.

Little Calvin with a sparkler



Later that night, all the kids slept downstiars and gave our guests the upstairs (which, considering the heat, wasn't a sacrifice--sorry it was so hot, Greenwoods!). Here are Niles and Addie.

We put Niles in his crib and the girls ended up snuggling--cute sisters!

Rich & Amber relivin' the glory days over some yearbooks they made.

Ah, memories!

We had a great time with JT, Amber, Calvin, and Forrest & we hope to get together again soon--NOT in another 10 years! ;)

This morning after we cleaned the kitchen together, I let the kids make something out of Addie's new "Kids in the Kitchen" healthy cookbook.

I wish I had made a video because they were pretending to be on a cooking show. Addie was a startlingly good narrator, and Hedi and James kept throwing in funny details like, "After the commercial break, we'll be back to show you how to do the chocolate!" (Heidi) or "For the recipe go to kids in the kitchen dot com!" (James). It was adorable.

Ta-Daaah! Honeybees!

They're no-bake peanut butter and chocolate treats made with peanutbutter, honey, dry milk, wheat germ, chocolate (or carob), and little almond-slice wings. So fun. Now we're off to the pool on this amazingly beautiful 77-degree day. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

UPDATE: Well, crap. (literally?) The pool is closed due to a "biohazard," so we are back home doing yard work in our swimsuits. If you're in a surfing mood, may I direct your attention to some new-ish links? Over there on the right I'd like you to meet Elly, my neighbor who is a designer/seamstress/knitter/ mama/ and generally lovely person. She is part of Lincoln School Artists, Livingston's latest art collective. And if you're looking for a chuckle, Passive-Agressive Notes should make you laugh (or, if you're in my family, kick yourself for not starting an anonymous blog of family correspondence YEARS ago...;))

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