Sunday, May 13, 2012

Scenes From a Mother's Day

Oh, wow. This is my first time using the new blogger dashboard and it displays pictures in the order you upload them (I've been uploading htem backward for 9 years!). So here is my mother's day, backward...
At lunchtime, we had chocolate-banana smoothies. Niles...uhhh...dribbled someof his.
Num, num!
James & a toy
Addie cleaning up lunch
My cute Gram wearing the necklace Kristen made for her for Mother's Day
Gram cute!
James & Niles
Niles slurping smoothie
My big gift was this beautiful new fan...I loooove it!
Here is the poster that went with the fan
A mommy's favorite sight...Niles sleepingon Saturday night.
On Saturday Night, we went to Kiwanis' Donkey Basketball, a treat from Grandpa Melin. James & Cousin Hannah had FUN!
Go, Donkeys!
The Albertsons team beat the Lawellin team.
Kids having fun watching donkey was fun to be out with them, but I left after the first game so I could be with Grandma and get Niles to bed at home. I had a wonderful Mother's Day thanks to Rich's hard work (yay, naps!), MIL's yummy dinner, and being with my cutie Gram.


Lisa said...

Oh man, that can NOT be good for the gym floor!

The Melin Family said...

Great pictures! I have never heard of donkey basketball - that must have been fun!

Kelli said...

I would not believe in Donkey basketball had I not seen the pics with my own eyes! Seriously so funny!
I did pics backwards the first time, too!

Lisa said...

Hi, I have an idea for a blog post. You've seen the trailer for the "Alive Inside" documentary? Very old people in nursing homes who seem nearly comatose get all spunky and talkative when they listen to music that they loved in their youth. You can watch it here: Warning: You will probably cry, but they'll be happy tears.

Ok, so my blog post idea is for you (and maybe lots of other people) to post their lists of "What To Put On My iPad When I'm in the Nursing Home." See, I'm slightly worried that well-meaning young'uns will just ASSUME that since I grew up in the 80s, I'm going to want to listen to Tiffany and Peter Cetera and "Careless Whisper" over and over again. (Oh man, how I hate "Careless Whisper.") So I think it's important to record your preferences while you still have the chance. For posterity, see?

So, what would spunk YOU up in the nursing home?


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...