Thursday, September 30, 2004


It's the last day of the month (Happy Birthday, Susan) and I have just squeaked in the last of my monthly visit teaching for church. The message this month was really good for my "gratitude attitude"--about being generous with our time, talents, and material abundance.

Here are two thoughts for today:

“Anything you do not give freely and abundantly is lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes.” –Annie Dillard

"Never suppress a generous thought."-Camilla Kimball

You don't have to give money or stuff--even a kind thought can be generous.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Number 100

Look! It's my 100th post and it's a good one. Addie is just slaying me tonight! Just now I told her to go get her jammies on and she looked at me and said with exasperation, "*SIGH*--Mom, I don't understand what you want! I don't understand!"

Can you believe this? She's not even 3 yet! And right after that, about 30 seconds ago, she was trying to put a necklace clasp together and she said, "Oh, my gosh, I'm gonna die!" out of frustration. YIKES! She picks up EVERYTHING I say!

Meanwhile, Heidi is squealing for help, so gotta run.
Thirty-Three Things

Here's my birthday list of things I am grateful for...

my faith
other people’s faith
a happy, functional marriage
a good kind husband who is my best friend
my smart and hilarious daughter, Adeline
my sweet, sparkly little Heidi Baby
my education
my family of origin
good in-laws
my extended family who helped raise me
being an American
living in the West—open, clean beautiful
my knowledge of right and wrong
my comfortable home
the opportunity to build our own, even MORE comfortable home
indoor plumbing and electricity
our cool town
a relatively healthy and able body
my literacy and so many forms of communication
a car
smooth, fast free ways all across the U.S.
shoes and clothing
All 5 senses and a conscience
books to read, especially scriptures
delicious and abundant food
bubble baths
caffeine free diet coke
comforts like lotion, pain reliever, lip balm, and refrigeration
getting mail—snail or electronic
repentance & forgiveness
birth (so many healthy births in one family this year!)
The Great Plan of Happiness
the lagoon and Sacagawea park

By the pictures, you'd think our weekend was fun and flawless, but you'd be wrong. We didn't take pictures of the bad part. Like when we got home from the cook out and started to watch "Mean Girls" and Addie threw up all over me in the living room. Or how I caught the bug (violent little bug it was) early Sunday morning and proceeded to pass it on to Rich, who fell ill Monday night and didn't recover until last night. We got a sad email from Matt back in Helena that the bug got baby Jake, too. SHUCKS! Only Heidi, Matt, and Amie escaped the yuckies.

So that's the main reason my Grateful Birthday list is still not posted. Today I am tending an extra little person and packing for my trip to Utah this weekend, so I will try to squeeze it in.

The best news of the day is this: I finished all the laundry yesterday AND put it away. Quite the feat after 8 days of 4 people's clothes/linens, conisdering that one is potty training, one is a baby, and 3/4 were sick this weekend. I also Lysol-ed the heck out of the house yesterday, too, so that bad little bug should have been squished into oblivion.

Monday, September 27, 2004

It's Fall in Livingston (this is Yellowstone Street). Posted by Hello

Here's our house from the front... Posted by Hello

Here's our house from the back... Posted by Hello

Moon rise over the ranch--the perfect ending to the perfect day. Thanks, Matt & Amie, for making my birthday weekend so fun! Posted by Hello

Here are all the kids snuggled up by the fire...that's Jake, Heidi, and Addie Posted by Hello

Amie making roasting sticks. Posted by Hello

After Chico, we had a hot dog and marshmallow roast out at the ranch. Here's Heidi, Matt & Rich at the campfire. Posted by Hello


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...