Sunday, May 22, 2011

Big Brother

Bringing Niles Home from MelinFamily on Vimeo.

Niles' Birth & Homecoming

On Wednesday, Rich and I went to the hospital for our scheduled induction. Actually, the induction was scheduled for Thursday, but we had the Wednesday option and I took it becuase I was feeling so worn out and didn't want another sleepless night before going through labor. [Plus, I just had a gut feeling I should go, and I am glad I did because they would not have been able to help me on Thursday because 4 other babies decide to be born that day!] 9am, nurse Ruth hooked me up to some penicillin for GBS. When that was done, we started pitocin at about 1pm and I walked the halls like crazy, hopeful I could gitter done by dinner time. Little did I know...

I got stuck at 51/2 cm for several hours. Labor seemed to be following its regular (6-ish hours) path, so we had an intrathecal injection at 7pm, broke water at 8pm--but then during the water-breaking, my bp crashed and they had to give me an injection and some oxygen because I passed out for a bit. But they got me fixed and I kept laboring. Once the meds wore off and I was feeling it, I got up and sat on the bouncy ball because Niles was still not really engaged, which was slowing things down. Contractions got painful on the ball, so I got up on the bed at midnight and found I was only 7 cm. Then I started to cry because I was exhausted and couldn't imagine doing this for several more hours. After whining for a few minutes, contractions got serious. I probably had 10 fierce ones, half of them with pushing, and between 12:31 and 12:38 I went from 7 cm to delivering the boy. Thank heaven!

My nurse & friend, Mary aka Night-Mary, who did a great job coaching me through some fierce contractions.

My heroes, Nurse Mary and Dr. Burwell--THANKS for your great work!

My adorable husband/ super-proud dad with his boy.

Aunt Debbie was our first visitor (after the kids, of course). We love her!

This pic of Addie always reminds me of my sis Lisa at first glance.

On Friday before I was discharged they served Richard and me a yummy steak dinner.


Niles wearing the homecoming outfit the girls chose for him.

It was a cute gift from Papa Jim & Gramma Becky Layton.

Richard, Me & Niles heading home at about 2:30pm on Friday--38 hours old!

James and Niles chillin' on my bed.

Cousin Hannah with Niles

Addie and Cousin Danny with Niles

Addie was very fussy about putting Niles to bed. She insited he have his blanket from Great Grandma Lyn and his cute.

This picture never stops making me laugh. Niles looks like a total goblin!

On Friday night, the girls had a sleepover with the cousins across the street and my three boys had their first Guy's Night at home, drinkin' root beers and watching American CUTE!

PEEK-A-BOO! Niles with Heidi on Saturday morning.


So there you have it. Now there are six of us and we are settling in nicely. Thanks SO MUCH to friends who brought dinners and did playdates with the kids this week. Your support means so much and it makes life easier for this very exhausted mama (having babies is NOT for old ladies! ;))

To Tide You Over...

Niles and I FINALLY got some good sleep today since he got to eat. So I am working on some more pictures and stuff to post. Until I get that done, here's a little video of Niles waking up on Friday, especially for the Nanas & aunties...

Niles Waking Up from MelinFamily on Vimeo.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Meet Niles

Niles Arthur Elrey Melin

born Thursday, May 19, 2011

at 12:38 am

7 lb 7 oz, 20 inches long

sweet as can be!

Uncle Mike Melin

Grandma Rosalie

Grandpa Tom


Iam missing a pic of our dear, proud daddy with his boy, but I am blogging one-handed on sketchy hospital wireless, so I am gonna get this posted and get back later with more pix. All is well with us and we are so thankful Niles came safely. We had a long 11-hour labor stuck at

5cm, then went from 6- baby in 6 minutes! HOORAY!

We didn't get pix of guests Aunt Angie, Jessi Tyner & boys, Jenn & Michaela Claar yesterday, but we are thankful they came! More soon...xoxo

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fancy a Wager?

We're taking bets on our baby's arrival and size, so post your guesses and we'll send you a prize if your guess is closest. Two prizes: one for date and time of birth and another for height and weight. Post your guesses in the comments and keep your fingers crossed for us! ;)Addie with James, Sept. 2006

Trivia: I happen to know the dates upon which each of the kids was conceived, so I know exactly how many days they each gestated...Addie: 256, Heidi: 252, James: 251, and today is day 252 for this baby (give or take 24 hours). Muy interesante...

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Scenes from a Rainy Mothers' Day

After church, I took a nap and then went out on the porch to watch the rain. I had Rich snap some pix of me and the kids for Mothers' Day.James, Addie, Me, and Heidi on the front porch.

Don't forget the baby!

Me & my Heidi

(that's me with no make-up and a puffy prego face...keepin' it real)

Me & My Sweet Baby James

Cracking up with James

Me & my Addie

Me-n-Ad again

James, Addie, Me, and Heidi with some of my Mothers' Day flowers

I got this great card and chocolate from Rich

Heidi made me this cute picture and frame at school

James drew this picture of me at preschool...

...with this questionnaire on the back.

(click to enlarge--the answers are funny)

More cards from the kids and my flower from Heidi

We planted these geraniums this week

Rich's gnome is guarding my tulips--

can you believe I thinned out the bulbs last year and this many flowers came up?

They're coming up thick all over the yard--hooray!

Chalk note from Addie


I took this 37.5-week belly shot the other day...

any day now!


Happiest Mothers' Day to all you Mamas!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...