Sunday, February 16, 2014


Dear Loved Ones:

Wow, what an amazing week this has been! Niles and I hung out with Baby Maren all week, the whole family endured the schizophrenic weather, and we celebrated Valentine ’s Day, a reunion, a baptism, and a mission farewell.

On Monday night, we had a fun Family Night making Valentines for grandparents and had yummy brownies made by Addie.

On Tuesday I went to Relief Society where we learned about freezer meals and made SIXTEEN dinners to freeze and deliver to all expectant moms in May. It was a good reminder that I should start doubling up and freezing family faves for when our baby arrives. Problem is we eat so much fresh food now, it’s hard to pass off casseroles and stuff with the kids, but I think I can come up with some good stuff. Addie came to the meeting, too, to babysit in the nursery. We had a good time.

Wednesday Rich had scouts and Addie had a fun multi-ward activity in Bozeman where she had swing dance lessons and learned the jitterbug. Our ward scout leadership changed this week (Aaron Roberts got a new job in Billings but is staying in the ward, so he can’t scout master anymore), but Rich is still the 11-year old leader…Mister Constant, 7 years and counting. Since dad and the girls are usually gone Wednesday night, the boys and I have a tradition: they have baths, then we all snuggle on my bed and watch Nature and Nova. This week was really cool; we learned about animals and the houses the build and then about how they built the dome in Florence, Italy with brand new technology: herringbone-style brick laying.

Thursday we finished up Valentines preparations making sugar cookies and dipping cake pops (cake pops: delicious but disastrous; only half of them made it thru the dipping process cuz we made them a little too big). We also did some serious cleanup in preparation to host the Westenskow family over the weekend. They have been with us since Saturday morning for Jordyn Yarborough’s farewell and we have had a blast.

Friday Rich got up early and made us a full breakfast of heart-shaped waffles with cream and strawberries, eggs, and bacon. Then he handed out Valentines to all of us and we sent the kids off to school with their bags full of goodies for their friends. Niles, Maren, and I went up to the church for a little pre-schoolers/toddlers Valentines party in the gym. The kids had snacks and played and exchanged Valentines til noon. It was a fun outing. The big kids came home from school with tons of fun treats and cute Valentines for us. Rich saved our romantic date for Monday (tomorrow) when we celebrate our 13th anniversary on President’s Day.

Saturday we went to Jordyn Yarborough’s Mission Farewell Open House, then an hour later came back to the church for Curtis Denniston’s baptism. Both events were edifying and fun. We are so excited for Jordyn, me especially, since she is serving in the Arizona Tucson Mission.

 Today’s church meeting was just beautiful. The building was full with all the Denniston’s visitors and Jordyn’s visitors. Jordyn spoke, along with Robyn Tyner and Colton Carter—they all gave great talks. I led the choir in a beautiful number called “Here I Am.” I will include the lyrics since it really captures the missionary spirit we have been feeling lately. I am suffering from a little mission envy, knowing all the great experiences awaiting Jordyn and the Heaps and mom and dad. At the same time, I know I am on my own mission, raising my own little missionaries, sharing the gospel in a different way. It’s wonderful to be a part of it all, and to have the best companion to serve with!

HERE I AM  by Daniel Schute

I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in deepest sin my hand will save
I who made the stars of night I will make their darkness bright!
Who will bear my light to them? Whom shall I send?

CHORUS: Here I am, Lord! Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.

I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them—they turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone; give them hearts for love alone.
I will give My Word to them. Whom shall I send?
[Repeat CHORUS]

I the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them, my hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide til their hearts be satisfied
I will give my life for them. Whom shall I send?
[Repeat CHORUS]

We hope you all have a great week. New Jersey Melins—good luck with all that snow! We got a foot today, but the sun was out in the late afternoon, so who knows what tomorrow holds? We love you all so much and are so grateful for a loving and faithful family on both sides. We feel so blessed and love these good times spent with family and friends. We look forward to hearing about all of you cousins soon! G and G Melin, you’re in our prayers and we loved our Valentines letters with all the visitors’ center stuff. You are going to have great experiences!

Happy Birthday to Sammy Post, Papa Post, and Owen Layton this week!

Love, Rich, Jamie, and Family

Heidi, Jared W, Lydia W., Hailey W., Jillian W, and Addie
at Jordyn's Open House photo booth.

Niles MUSTACHE you a question...

Making Valentine and eating brownies for FHE.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Family Letter (a weekly feature, hopefully)

Dear Loved Ones:

We are going to try to follow the good examples of Elena and Mom Melin and write a weekly letter since I’m not the best blogger anymore. Perhaps I can use our facebook posts and photos as references. February is off to a good start for us, mostly.

Like most of the U.S. we have had extremely cold and snowy weather. Our lowest morning temp was on Wednesday the 5th, when we woke up to -29 degrees, which clocked in at -52 with the wind chill. Luckily we didn’t have much to do outside that day and Rich was out and about and able to bring the kids home from the bus stop. We are more grateful than ever for our warm house and our cozy fireplace. And I am more grateful than ever to be a stay-at-home- mom who rarely needs to leave the house.

Last month I started babysitting our friend Maria’s daughter, Maren. She will be one year old in May and is a very easy baby. I watch her from 8:30-3:45 M-F, and it’s working out pretty well. It has also been good practice for us—me for juggling two little ones again, and Niles for sharing Mom’s daytime attention. The only challenge is when the big kids need me after school, like if they’ve missed the bus or something—I have to have Rich’s help or they have to wait a half hour til Maren gets picked up. It will give us a little extra cash to finish some house projects and stock up for a new baby (and pay for his birth), as well as just having this sweet little friend...
Maren at her house

I blogged about last weekend—we had a nice cozy Saturday working around the house and playing in the snow, and even taking in a matinee of “The Book Thief.” Addie babysat for us and it was so nice. We are really starting to enjoy the benefits of having our very own Beehive in the house.  Even though we don’t really watch football, we invited some other lukewarm football fan families from our ward over to watch the Super Bowl, which turned out to be kind of a silly game. The Mexican finger foods potluck, on the other hand, was stellar. I was grateful to have felt good enough to do so many things is one day—church, food, socializing, clean-up—with a nap, of course--almost like a normal person! Rich was also a great help as usual, and had a good time with the other dads.

Most of us had a cold this week. Niles and I felt terrible on Tuesday and Wednesday. I have another sinus infection and can’t take anything but Tylenol and rinse like crazy. It got very painful, but a priesthood blessing Tuesday night helped me get some good sleep and start to heal. Niles got better, but started coughing yesterday, and so did James. As I type, they are wrestling like wild men while hacking like crazy. Silly boys. I have successfully weaned off escitalopram (SSRI for anxiety) –down from 20mg to 10 to 5, and this was my first week with none in 18 months. I have some dizzy spells and I can definitely feel some of my anxieties coming back (having to wash my feet, feeling claustrophobic when people snuggle me, etc), but I didn’t want to be taking it in my 3rd trimester since it has a small chance of causing fetal heart problems. My blood sugar is slowly climbing in spite of my low glycemic diet, so I will probably start insulin at my next appointment (2/19). The good news is I have gained a total of 1 pound so far this pregnancy, and the insulin will probably keep me right around that mark.

Rich, Addie, and Heidi have all been healthy and active. The heat at the office was finally up and running by the first of the month—FINALLY! Rich also got all of our storage units (including Kiwanis) clean and empty. We could have had another yard sale, lol! But we did find some treasures and get lots of art and photos hung on our new walls—FINALLY!

The girls are doing so great at school and at church. Addie made the honor roll in the newspaper, and Heidi just missed it (because she keeps not dressing out for PE and got a C). They both have great teachers. Addie was just made for the Young Women’s Program. She is loving having activities every week, being a counselor in her class presidency, learning the process of planning activities and setting goals and shepherding. She had her first BYC meeting last month and insisted on earning money to get a fancy planner to keep track of her increasingly busy life. She accepted a New Year’s challenge to read the Book of Mormon before conference and last I heard she was cruising toward Mosiah after being frustrated with Nephi’s Isaiah chapters (I told her she’s in good company ;)). Heidi’s Activity Days group has new leaders and girls in it and they have set some goals and she has refocused on her Faith in God goals. They are learning a lot about journals, record keeping, scriptures, and family history over the next few months. I get to talk to them about personal, family, Ward, and Stake histories next month as the Ward Historian. I look forward to it—they are such cute, fun girls. Heidi got to go to the Bozeman Symphony on Friday and came home excited about hearing movie themes from the symphony—Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, etc. (are those all John Williams?)—and wanting to make music herself.

I am rambling, but it won’t be like this every week. This is a catch-up letter! In closing, here are our highlights from facebook this week:

MON FEB 5: Enough Said

WED 5 FEB: : My busy little chef and I cooked up some love yesterday! I am sick today so he went away to play while I rest (bless u, Naomi!) and I miss him!
FRI FEB 7: " Please don't take my sunshine away"
I think one of the worst times in life is the time between a cancer diagnosis and the staging/treatment plan. Loathsome.


[my best friend, Erin, was diagnosed with “probably stage 2” breast cancer on Thursday…heartbreaking!]

SUN FEB 9: Pobrecito has a fever and cough, but keeps saying, "Mama, I'm not sick!" He was sad to miss nursery today!

Life is good, the gospel is true and we love and miss you all! Have a great week!
Love, Jamie, Rich & Family

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Snow & SuperBowl

Well, February is off to a stellar start. Rich stayed home on Saturday and helped me get some house stuff done. We finally got our closet cleaned out and turned into a little nursery. The kids did their chores and frolicked in the fresh snow, and we went to a matinee of "The Book Thief", a movie I've been waiting to see since November (it was great, but of course the book is even better).
Peat and Repeat getting ready to play out in the snow Saturday afternoon.


James, Niles & Heidi in the back yard


My funny boys!

Snow Angel!
On Sunday evening, we had some friends over to watch the Super Bowl even though we are not real football fans. We had some delicious food (especially yummy on Fast Sunday!) and good visits, and the kids had a blast together. Most of our guests were rooting for the Seahawks whom we believed to be the underdogs...
The most popular game of the night was sliding down the stairs on bean bag chairs and/or jumping down the stairs on to bean bag chairs. (here are Brody and James sliding down toward Gavin).

Niles liked spinning in the office chair while Dad and our friend Mike watched the game.

Jessie, Carter, Baby Colton, Aaron, Naomi, and Matt with Kai in the
foreground watching the saddest football game ever.

In the playroom we had a special screening of "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2."
Here is Ava holding up Matty with a Nerf gun.

Izzi and Addie took some quiet time in Ad's room to play "Would You Rather."
(PS: Izzi is going to play Young Eponine in the Shane Center's Les Miserables in March!)

I am grateful to be feeling better and to have time and space to catch up with good friends. We are so very blessed in so many ways, and tonight I felt that deeply. We also felt deep sympathy for all the Broncos fans out there. Dang.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Christmas 2013

So it has taken me a while to upload our holiday pictures, but we DID indeed celebrate Christmas and New Year's with the California Melins and Grandma & Grandpa Melin. It was a very relaxed holiday season. While I missed my family, there is something to be said about staying home and taking it easy (especially in a brand new house). We felt so grateful for the generous gifts and thoughtful activities planned by Jess & Kelli and mom and dad. Uncle Mike Melin came and stayed at our house and we loved having him here. It was fun to have friends and neighbors and missionaries drop by to share treats and good wishes...we felt so happy and loved.
On Christmas Eve we hosted family at our house starting around 2pm. Kelli brought gingerbread house kits from Trader Joe's and everyone teamed up to make the houses while I finished dinner prep. It was so fun to watch everyone work together and see their unique creations (and eat yummy candy!).

Grandma & Heidi

James & Cousin Matthew
Our little village of German Gingerbread Hausen
We ate dinner around 4:30pm. We have a tradition of choosing some kind of international menu and trying something new for Christmas Eve, but this year we chose Kansas City Barbecue in honor of Grandpa & Grandma Melin's mission call to Independence/ Kansas City, Missouri. We had pulled pork and corn on the cob and cole slaw...yum!
After dinner, the kids went down stairs for some wild cousin partying and the adults visited upstairs. Within the hour, the kids came up and invited us to  their "Christmas Program." What we thought was a wild rumpus was actually our kids putting together their own Christmas Pageant, straight out of the New Testament. At first we were giggling at their cuteness, but then I was holding back tears, thinking about how cool it was that THIS was how they chose to spend their cousin time together. I'm pretty sure Jess and Kelli would agree, it was the very best gift we got this year.

Very Sweet kids dressed as Holy Family, angels, shepherds, and sheep gathered around to sing to baby Jesus.
We finally have a place to hang our stockings by the chimney with care!
Just as the kids finished their program, the missionaries knocked on the door and came to share a special
 Christmas video message with us. It was very sweet and helped to calm the kids down. The family headed back out to the ranch after that and we got the kids to bed after watching the MoTab Christmas Special with Tom Brokaw.

stockings first

Niles opening his bike

James with Duck Dynasty pjs

Addie's new suitcase

Heidi with part of our family gift from Jess & Kelli--
a basketball AND a hoop for our awesome new driveway!
We also got a trampoline for summer time, but that pic was blurry.

Heidi was so excited to get an Xbox and Minecraft.
 She has created quite the Minecraft world!

iPod speakers for both girls, and a jolly Uncle Mike!

Rich got Chicken Poop lip balm from his dad.

Niles ready to hit the road

Jess & Kelli brought us this GOLD MINE of a Trader Joe's gift basket!
So many spices and sauces and treats! If it had come with some magical eegee's making machine,
my culinary life would be complete! We enjoyed these treats for several weeks to the point of addiction.
Such a great gift.

Here I am amidst the Christmas debris with my two sweet boys.
A Merry Christmas was had by all!
Unfortunately we have no New Year's pictures, but we all attended our Ward NY party/ Talent Show and most of the kids performed--Addie & Heidi sang and played piano, Summer did a puppet show, Matthew read jokes, and we ate treats and enjoyed some amazing talents from our friends, as well. We headed home around 9pm. James came down with a bit of a tummy bug just as we were leaving for the night, so he and Rich stayed home and had a Men in Black marathon. I fell asleep around 10:30 pm, but Rich stayed up with the big kids to ring in 2014, then we spent New Year's Day out at the ranch sledding and enjoying family time. It was a sweet and mellow way to ring in the new year.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

December So Far...

We got a Christmas Bonus of beef this year! Daddy and the boys spent the evening of December 12th
wrapping bulk meat into food saver packages.

Store packages waiting to be shrink wrapped for freezer storage.
We haven't had beef for years--we'll be livin' large this year!

On December 13th--Aunt Sara's birthday & St. Lucia Day--
James sang in the 2nd grade Christmas program.

On Saturday December 14th we enjoyed our annual Ward Christmas Breakfast, then headed out for Helena to have a Cousin Party at Aunt Laura's new house. Aunt Lisa was visiting from Phoenix, and Uncle Matt's family came even though he was working (he stopped by in his police cruiser for some dinner-to-go). It was such a fun evening and we are so happy for Laura and Darrin and their great new home!
Aunt Laura & Lisa picked out matching jammies for all the grown-up mamas.
Here's Aunt Lisa in hers giving Heidi a big hug.

Laura and Lisa celebrated their birthday a few days early. Amie brought them an
amazing chocolate cake and Heidi made them cupcakes from scratch!

Niles loved the cupcakes!

cake monster!

We did a fun white elephant gift exchange.
Here's Niles opening gifts with Cody's girlfriend, Kamrie.

James opened a cool mini-air hockey table from Jared.

Heidi & Jake ended up exchanging gifts and gave each other practically the same thing!

Niles and Emily had the most fun with this big box, which was full of toilet paper!

Niles & Emily
(Em is 7 months older than Niles)

All the Mamas in their Christmas jammies:
Amie (Matt's wife, my SIL), Me, Kamrie (my nephew's g-friend), my sisters Lisa, and Laura.

Three Layton Seesters

Niles loved looking at all the photos on Laura's tree.

We brought Uncle Mike Melin along for the fun.

Kamrie,  nephew Cody, Baby Zecklin, and Gramma Lisa

Gramma Lisa talking to Baby Z

We had such a nice time! Thanks again, Lehmans!

Our living room in the morning light (snowy glare) on December 17th.

Heidi sang in the fourth grade Christmas program on December 18th.
That's her in back with her arm up.

Two classes of 4th graders singing their hearts out.

Grandma Melin came to see Heidi's program
and Niles wore his elf hat. They all looked
so Christmas-y!

Later that night, we went to a Christmas party at the Depot.
Here's Niles waiting fro Santa.

Heidi waiting for Santa.

Heidi with Santa

James with Santa

Niles telling Santa how old he is.

Heidi got some cool gifts.
Addie was out on a hayride caroling with the Young Women...
such a festive day for us!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...