I just copied this ABC Quiz from a link I saw on DadGoneMad.com, a girl who left this comment (censored slightly):
A Letter to my Laundry:
Dear Laundry, Quit multiplying every single time I turn off the light g**dammit. I swear to G*d, last week I had you down to nothing...NOTHING! But this week there is a 6 foot (and growing) pile in my room, flowing like a cotton river out the door and into the hall. WHAT THE H*LL??? Stop it. Just stop it. Thank you. Kristine
Man, I just said the same thing today! How do I all of a sudden have two loads EVERY DANG DAY!?!
It's time to get a little interactive with the ABC Quiz...whatayasay? In case you don't know how to do this, click on the comments, copy (Ctrl+c) and paste (Ctrl + v) this quiz into the comment box and type your own answers over mine. Then visitors to my blog can read what you wrote and leave their own info! C'mon, it'll be fun!
A is for Age – 33 3/4
B is for Booze – NEVER!
C is for Career - Domestic Goddess
D is for Dad's name - James
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party – my well-rested self
F is for Favorite Song(s) of the Moment – Radiation Vibe by Fountains of Wayne (an oldie!)
G is for Goof Off Thing To Do – Read, take long baths
H is for Hometown – TUCSON, ARIZONA
I is for Instrument You Play – Piano, Flute, Tin Whistle (all poorly)
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like – triple berry blender jam and currant jam
K is for Kids – Two: Adeline and Heidi
L is for Living Arrangement – Married with children, moving into self-built house in a matter of weeks!
M is for Mom's Name - Lyndi
N is for Names of Best Friends – well, at my age, the list is exhausting because I have a lot of really truly wonderful friends that are/were situational but no less significant—so chronologically, those I’m still in touch with: Susan (Siouxsie), Jeanne & Georgia B., Heidi, Erin, Tom & Adriane, and last but not least, the grandparents, Bill & Lyn
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays – Two. Childbirth…I’m good at it.
P is for Phobias – creeping things touching me, especially those that are small and furry or poisonous; also, I have a HUGE sense of personal space and I can’t help but freak out when it gets invaded too much, even by my beloveds.
Q is for Quote You Like – “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ~Dr. Seuss
R is for Relationship That Lasted the Longest – I suppose you are asking about ROMANTIC relationships and that would have to be my husband if we are talking continuous, without “breaks”—nearly five uninterrupted years, beating my previous record of 2 yrs continuous and 10 yrs on-and-off
S is for Siblings – Counting Steps and Halves? Ready, Set, Go! Willy, Laura, Lisa, Sam, Dana, Jill, Matt, Sara, Amy, Mike, Marshall, Abby, Ryan, Rhonda, Erin, Kristi, Kelly, Kaycee
T is for Texas, ever been? – Several times, mostly passing through the panhandle—stinky Hereford, Amarillo, etc…Christmas 2002 was spent at Del Rio and San Antonio, though—lovely, place, that San Antonio
U is for Unique Trait – I believe I will one day steal Reagan’s title of Great Communicator—while his strength was speech, mine is letter-writing
V is for Vegetable You Love – Spinach or Green Beans
W is for Worst Trait – Yelling at my family, being loud/obnoxious
X is for X-rays you've had – mostly dental, unless you count ultra sounds
Y is for Yummy Food You Make – I am becoming a SALAD chef (o, the yummy salads I can make)—a great companion for my husband the Grill Master
Z is for Zodiac Sign – LIBRA
Now your turn!
sorry but i'm not going to take the time to do the ABC quiz but i will comment on the Laundry thing. I have to say that I'm very lucky that I only have to do my laundy. Even though I do like to help Jill at times since it does pile up. Which in away it is understandable, due to the fact that she is pregnant. I feel bad at times because it gets pretty close to being all done then like you all say over night it piles up. So I am very lucky like i said to have myself, where my laundy doesn't multiply as much.
A is for Age – 25 3/4
B is for Booze – High schoold
C is for Career - Whats that?!
D is for Dad's name - James
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party – Dr Pepper Baby!
F is for Favorite Song(s) of the Moment – American Baby DMB
G is for Goof Off Thing To Do – Listening to rap with Mike
H is for Hometown – TUCSON, ARIZONA
I is for Instrument You Play – Unfortunately I don't play an instrument
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like – Homemade jam especially apricot
K is for Kids – 3 1/2: Ally Isabelle and Jack with baby boy on the way!
L is for Living Arrangement – Living in my first house with family for 1 1/2 years now!
M is for Mom's Name - Lyndi
N is for Names of Best Friends – Jamie, Audrey, Dana, Jannette, Melyssa.
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays – 3. Childbirth…
P is for Phobias – Heights and inclosed spaces
Q is for Quote You Like – As lame as it might be, I love when Doctor Phil says " when you fight infront of your children you change who they are.
R is for Relationship That Lasted the Longest – Drew Petersen 7 yrs and 3 months
S is for Siblings – Jamie Willy, Laura, Lisa, Sam, Dana, Matt, Sara, Amy, Mike, Marshall, Abby,
T is for Texas, ever been? – I have and boy I want to go back a see my Daner!
U is for Unique Trait – My gap in my teeth
V is for Vegetable You Love – asparagus
W is for Worst Trait – the awful Post breathe!
X is for X-rays you've had – mostly dental, my arm and ultrasounds
Y is for Yummy Food You Make – Chicken Parmesan, Fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy
Z is for Zodiac Sign – Scorpio
A is for Age – 30
B is for Booze – Nope
C is for Career - OK...D.G was taken so can I be super woman?
D is for Dad's name - James
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party – sense of humor!
F is for Favorite Song(s) of the Moment – Scars...Papa Roach
G is for Goof Off Thing To Do – Water gun war with the boys
H is for Hometown – TUCSON, ARIZONA
I is for Instrument You Play – A blade of grass between my thumbs.
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like – Raspberry or Blackberry Jam
K is for Kids – Jake, Gabe and Jared
L is for Living Arrangement – Married with children, renting.:(
M is for Mom's Name - Lyndi
N is for Names of Best Friends – All of my siblings, Danny, Erika, Vicky, Melissa and the most bestest of all...Darrin
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays – Childbirth -3-, Gall bladder
P is for Phobias – losing my loved ones...does that count?
Q is for Quote You Like – “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ~Dr. Seuss, I like that one too.
R is for Relationship That Lasted the longest....Well Darrin and I are having our 8th anniversary on sunday.
S is for Siblings – Counting Steps and Halves? Ready, Set, Go! Willy, Laura, Lisa, Sam, Dana, Jill, Matt, Sara, Amy, Mike, Marshall, Abby, Ryan, Rhonda, Erin, Kristi, Kelly, Kaycee
T is for Texas, ever been? – just passing through.
U is for Unique Trait – I have no idea.
V is for Vegetable You Love – almost all of them
W is for Worst Trait – I trust to easy.
X is for X-rays you've had-dental,ultra sounds, gall bladder, uterus and F.tubes
Y is for Yummy Food You Make – I make really good cookies and everyone loves my egg roles and sausage cheese puffs.
Z is for Zodiac Sign – Sagittarius
I had to copy some of your answers..for obvious reasons...lol
A is for Age – 24
B is for Booze – can’t say I have
C is for Career – The freakin army
D is for Dad's name - James
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party – a date
F is for Favorite Song(s) of the Moment – escape from rubbish iland/ The Wonder stuff
G is for Goof Off Thing To Do – act like Jake (16 month old monster)
H is for Hometown – TUCSON, ARIZONA
I is for Instrument You Play – air drums
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like – strawberry
K is for Kids – 0ne and half…Jake and IT
L is for Living Arrangement – house, renting from a nazi ( my dog can’t poop or pee on grass…isn’t that what dogs do?)
M is for Mom's Name - Lyndi
N is for Names of Best Friends – how sad is this, I really don’t have any best friends since I have gone on my mission and gotten married, coarse there is always my lovely wife Amie. I just have lost touch with most of my old friends….this sucks!
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays – not so much overnight stay but how many visits ……quite a few
P is for Phobias – I can’t stand spiders, falling without a parachute…(I’m going to airborne school in three days)
Q is for Quote You Like – Damit Jim (when you screw up, you can say that it makes things ok) (nothing to do with any father figure)
R is for Relationship That Lasted the Longest – so is this spouse or other from the past….either way, 2.7 yrs married to a wonderful lady
And before that I would say off and on for close to three yrs long ago.
S is for Siblings – Counting Steps and Halves? Ready, Set, Go! Jamie, Willy, Laura, Lisa, Sam, Dana, Jill, Sara, Amy, Mike, Marshall, Abby,
T is for Texas, ever been? – Several times, mostly passing through the panhandle—stinky Hereford, Amarillo, etc…
U is for Unique Trait – there is apart of me that has driven me to want to help people….that is why I am shooting to be in law enforcement !
V is for Vegetable You Love – mushrooms(?), green beans!!! yumm
W is for Worst Trait – procrastination…. I do it way to much
X is for X-rays you've had – right ankle, teeth, chest.
Y is for Yummy Food You Make – I can cook a mean steak on the BAR-B-Q
Z is for Zodiac Sign – gemini
Brooks Brown said...
Jamie -- like reading your blog. Here is a tame version of my ABCs.
A is for Age – 33 1/4
B is for Booze – I quit. It's been three months and it feels good.
C is for Career - Graphic Designer
D is for Dad's name - Jerry
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party – mix CD. I like my music better than theirs.
F is for Favorite Song(s) of the Moment – "Hollaback Girl", by Gwen Stefani
G is for Goof Off Thing To Do – Spend hours of time on my blog and other people's :)
H is for Hometown – Auburn, Alabama
I is for Instrument You Play – Guitar for 23 years, piano, bass
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like – strawberry and raspberry
K is for Kids – None of the two- legged kind, four of the four-legged kind
L is for Living Arrangement – nice old house in downtown Birmingham
M is for Mom's Name - Libby
N is for Names of Best Friends – Clare, Roy, Andrea, Vernay and my sister Lindsay
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays – Three, two knee operations and an cyst removed. I am an old pro and it doesn't scare me any more
P is for Phobias – I have a HUGE sense of personal space as well as Jamie and I hate it being invaded unless it is a child or animal who knows no better. I also can't stand hearing people hiccup loudly.
Q is for Quote You Like "I don't care when people call me a dumb blonde because I know I'm not dumb and I know I'm not blonde" Dolly Parton
R is for Relationship That Lasted the Longest – technically, my parents
S is for Siblings – Lindsay
T is for Texas, ever been? – No although I have always wanted to go to the South by Southwest music festival in Austin that happens every March
U is for Unique Trait – Memory. I have 44 first cousins and know all their names.
V is for Vegetable You Love – celery
W is for Worst Trait – procrastination, being late constantly and not keeping track of spending
X is for X-rays you've had – dental, knee
Y is for Yummy Food You Make – Homemade salsa. It is devine.
Z is for Zodiac Sign – PISCES and I love water. Take me to the beach!
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