Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sunday Fun

I think I have written here before about all the trouble we used to get in on Sunday afternoons, since we had to stay inside and play with our siblings and take naps to keep the Sabbath. Well, the tradition continues...the house is never as messy than it is on Sunday nights when the whole family has been home together all day long. Tonight (although we were at church AND in Bozo most of the day) the girls played in their room for a while and they were so cute! Heidi is really getting into playing dolls and she sure loves her babies! The favorite toys, though, are the Blue's Clues boom box (it has buttons that play songs from the show as well as buttons that add in silly sounds AND a microphone to sing along--we got it for a buck at a thrift store), and the doll stroller (we REALLY need to get another one so each girl has one, because as soon as one starts pushing it, the other wants it so bad, there is wailing and gnashing of teeth). Happy Sunday, yall! Posted by Picasa


cmhl said...

aren't those strollers great? my dd is 3, and she is all about pushing her "babies" around in the stroller. my ds (7) is alarmed that occasionally construction equipment of his is considered a baby. haha! cute pictures.

Michael said...

Thanks for wishing us a happy sunday. Hey why am i not on your Links?

Brooks Brown said...

jamie you are so smart to get those thrift store toys. i went thrift storing this past weekend and couldn't believe the excellent and cheap finds, the best store has half-off wednesdays where shirts are 50 cents. it makes being broke a lot easier for sure.

Jamie said...

Brooks-- No matter how much money I ever make, I think I will always thrify shop. It's in my blood, and I could never feel good about paying full price for anything. Full-price-paying-people are crazy. This is where I could go off about never, ever buying a new car (why? we are getting a 2005 lease return minivan with 20K miles for less than $15K!About $200/mo and practically brand new), and, sure, go ahead and be a greedy capitalist consumer, but don't let me catch you wasting resources, especially non-renewable natural ones (and then I would go off on an anti-SUV tangent--UNLESS YOU LIVE OFF-ROAD AND IT SNOWS A LOT, you are going to hell for using that much gas and keeping us beholden to the oil nazis! ... ... ... Uh, did I say that out loud?) End of thrifty-me rant.

Jill Petersen said...

I am sure you had a good cry about the hair but I can't help to laugh about it! I am soooo glad Isabelle's damage on her hair wasn't that bad. Luckily its hair and it all grows back right?

Brooks Brown said...

jamie, you and i have more in common than music because i will go on those SUV rants in a heartbeat. the attitude of 'live for now and who cares about what future generations will have as natural resources' is so maddening. i will stop there and end the post with telling you that i got a brand new eddie bauer (sp) plaid shirt for my dad at the thrift store that cost $1.99. Those kind of finds just make my day and my dad loves the knowing about the bargain just as much as I love giving him the shirt. I have also been amazed at all the great kids clothes you can find there. It makes sense since kids grow out of clothes so quickly. Again, your kids are really beautiful and seeing the picture of them playing together reminds me a lot of me with my little sis. We still like to play together ;)


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