Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tagged by Brent

Cousin Brent posted his Arrested Development Score on his blog yesterday, so I took the test and got results similar to Brent's. Geeks of a feather flock together! If you like the show, you should take the test, too.

George Michael

You scored 67% smart, 43% creative, 76% refined, and 23% odd!

How's it going, little cornball? You seem to be very intelligent and very refined. You know what's good and bad for you, and you always try to do the right thing no matter what the cost is to you. You may get momentarily confused sometimes, but your genius brain always finds a way through it. You are sure to be successfull in life.

Side note: I just posted this entry about 4 times, and each time I put in the link to the test, it erased the rest of the post. So if you want to take the test, clikc on Cousin Brent's link over there and use the link from his blog. UGH!

1 comment:

Carla said...

K. I've only seen the show like twice, so I don't know if this is a good thing or not. Let me know.

Here's how I scored:
You scored 60% smart, 58% creative, 71% refined, and 19% odd!
You are the diva of the family. Nothing is too big of a price for you to pay, even though your twin brother keeps telling you otherwise. You try to be responsible at everything just like him, but you can't quite make it to his level. Try understanding things in the intellectual way he does, and you'll probably find yourself better off.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...