Friday, March 10, 2006

Where's Your Focus

Once a few years ago, I wrote about receiving a letter from my dad who never writes and talked about how much it meant to me. It ended up offending my mom and some other people that I talked about my dad on my blog, when all I was doing was expressing MY feelings on MY blog. Since then I have tried to avoid anything that wasn't sunshiney- positive about the family.

Until yesterday. I took a risk expressing feelings that I have had pretty often throughout my life, which boil down to this: I wish I meant as much to other people as they mean to me. I accepted a long time ago that that wouldn't happen very often in my life, but once in a while I let it get to me and say something and people take it the wrong way. I got two comments from people yesterday who took my post personally when it wasn't personal at all. It was a general observation of an ongoing situation which was just exacerbated by the events of the day. Everyone can justify their actions and decisions--or else they wouldn't make them--but I just think so often we don't think of the ripple effect of repercussions or the impressions our immediate choices make over time.

I was thinking about a couple of people who had asked me to marry them before I met Rich. I was thinking about how, when I decided the answer was no, it was mostly because the person did not have a vision of love and service that extended beyond us or our future children. They didn't want to live life with an outward focus, to live life as a mission. They wanted it to be all about us and our little problems instead of looking around to see how we could serve our children, our extended family, our neighbors, our church family, and in turn, find all our little problems resolved. When I finally met Rich and heard the love and concern with which he spoke about his extended family and his good friends, I knew I had met the man for me. He has taken my vision and taught me to expand it because he is the most selfless person I know. While I do sometimes get bogged down in worrying about our own family, he reminds me that when we think about and do for others, the problems get solved. What goes around comes around. While it hurts that a lot of the people I love most just don't ever see the world that way (that's why I was sad yesterday), I have to remind myself what an amazing blessing it is to be married to someone who does.


Happy Gilmores said...

Keep your focus! (good blog title). People are at different stages and too bad some had to take offense to your blog yesterday. Just because we are family doesnt mean there is always harmony. I remember my older sister being nasty to Page before we got married. Tried to say bad things about her to get me to dump her. Im glad I thought she was nuts. Page and I will be married 22 years in April. Everyone else in my family is either divorced or never married. I'm happy, they are miserable....hmmmm.... keep your chin up. You're great, Rich is great, and I'm glad I got to know ya guys. You matter to a lot of people.

Jenn said...

Hey, I love ya....and you do mean a lot to me, too. I know how difficult it can be...but just remember we are all in this together. Call me or email when your blue...I'll be right over ...and I'll even bring Ben and Jerry...(they always make me feel better!)

dscokween said...

I just said that to smile, but also to preface this: You have worked so hard your whole life. You have made the right decisions. None of them were easy. At many times you could have fallen, slipped, and ended up with a life that was sad, less than what you wanted or below your standards.

I just want to say I know things are never easy for anyone, but I applaud you for making consistently good choices. Especially for the long-term ones; the ones that matter most. I don't care what anyone else says, Jaime. You are awesome and have been for the years that I've known you. If you have one or two grumpy days when you are pregnant, dealing with toddlers, life and a huge mo-family and nobody can cut you some slack...well...

Jamie said...

Mike, Jenn, & Julie--thanks for all the encouragement. It's good to hear from all of you. Julie, I really appreciated your comments and it kinda blew my mind that I came to Provo 17 years ago...oh my! And you have always been one of the quality people who hung in there from our kooky circle of friends. It made me so happy to get back in touch and find that you were/are happily married and settled and still in the church...a rare thing in the old circle. Thanks for checking in! Just so you all know, I feel much better tonight. Chalk it up to hormones and healthy venting.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...