Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Education is Freedom

I could have called this post a number of other things: Knowledge is Power, The Glory of God is Intelligence...what ever I call it, I have to say something about education.

I hate to admit that I got fired up from watching Oprah today--I couldn't resist the ad that said Bill & Melinda Gates wanted to come on Oprah and share their biggest cause. The show struck a nerve with me--our tiny town is Loserville with a capital L as far as public education goes (example: coming from a school where the median ACT score was 27 and I got a 30, I was shocked to learn that a 23 was GOOD here)--dropping out to become a manual laborer or a teenage mom is not unusual, and I am horrified to send my kids to school here. Fortunately I have a few years to get involved and make a plan of action. Please, please, PLEASE go to the Stand Up website and AT LEAST send the letter to your governor asking him to get behind this movement for better high schools (I have already filled out a survey here in Montana stating that I think all that extra money we made from the huge tobacco tax we passed should go to education--I want the elementary school down the street from me to open up again in the next 2 years--it closed due to budget constraints and not enough kids to fill it, but since then, over 150 houses have been built in the area and 250 more are slated for construction. That should bring in enough kids and dollars, doncha think?)

Learning to read, to comprehend what I read, to think, to put myself in the shoes of others throughout history and throughout our world today, to reason and to empathize has made me a better person and has given me the kind of life most of the world only dreams about. I don't mean that I am wealthy or pampered or living in luxury--I mean that all of my needs are met as are most of my wants; my life is generally free of genuine worry or financial stress, and full of rich and beautiful things because my husband and I have learned to think and reason and appreciate the world around us. I credit this to TWO things: our families of origin and our EDUCATION. Economics aside, the quality of the life you lead when you really LEARN HOW TO LEARN is so staggeringly better, it makes me cry to think that the majority of my fellow Americans are living hand to mouth, blind to their potential because of lack of education.

In a country where even the poorest wage earner pays something toward public education through taxes, it is nothing but shameful to see and read about the massive failings of the public school system. My knee-jerk reaction has been to home school or super-supplement my kids' education to give them what they need and deserve, but it just dawned on me that EVERY KID deserves what I am striving to give mine--even if their moms work full-time and can't be as involved, even if homeschool was never an option, even if their parents think school is a waste of time. Every American child deserves to have someone show them the value of an education, the joy of reading and finding what you're really truly good at, the peace of knowing you are equipped to provide for yourself and your family in a job that you enjoy and you're good at.

I am definitely going to get involved here. I might end up with another ulcer, but like the song says, "conquer we must when our cause it is just," and I think this is something I can get behind with my mind, heart, and spirit. The first thing I am going to do is see how I can help at Big Sisters and at Learning Partners, as well as start attending school board meetings (ho-hum). And I will continue to pray and teach my children good things at home. What are you going to do?


Carla said...

I agree that "Education is Freedom". However, it has been my experience that trying to improve the "system" (or high schools in your case) has been a fight in vain. Rarely does sending a letter to your governor result in anything.

To truly make a change people need to get involved at the delegate level for County and State. There are only 7 states in the Union that employ the Caucus system (others are Primary votes)- check to see if Montana is a Caucus state and then go to your precinct delegate hearings.

It is my opinion that true progress in education is to see "FREEDOM IN Education". Choice in Education! That way parents (such as those full-time working mom's or single parents you mentioned) can choose what is right for their individual family/situation, whether it be Public, Private or HS.

Obviously you know that I homeschool, and am therefore a HUGE advocate for homeschooling, but I don't expect every one to be as willing/able/passionate. As for Public Education reform I feel that the money (that WE pay) should be connected to the child, with a choice of where to attend, like they do in many European countries.

But be prepared it is a LONG process. My friend, Erin (the wife of a UT Senator -pro choice in Ed) has been lobbying for different education bills and it has been 7 + years with very little headway! I would no sooner sacrifice my childrens' education because of "the other kids out there" than I would send them into combat at this age- which, sadly, is what a lot of public schools have become.

Sorry such a long comment. It's hard to shut me up about this topic. Just my 2 (VERY PASSIONATE)cents! :)

Jamie said...

I totally agree with your "lost-cause" mentality--it's why I changed my major and chose NOT to teach public school. HOWEVER, I feel like Stand Up has a better chance at success simply because there is a guy with 51 BILLION DOLLARS backing it up. If it comes to bucks or blows, Bill Gates can kick the entire federal and state budget's butt! He hijacked the cover of TIME this week; hopefully he'll continue to use his power for good!

Jamie said...

PS: I agree with Freedom in Education--the best thing for any business is competition and the government needs some in the ed. arena--Bill gates said that yesterday. But the freedom itself has to be legislated--given back to the individual student--and should be fought for.

Happy Gilmores said...

REad to your girls like crazy when they are young, get them to love to read. I found that is the key to lifelong desire of learning. We read a lot to our kids. They also know education is really important to mom and dad and we have high expectations of them. Our kids haven't been in the greatest schools, but they were lucky to get some good teachers that pushed them and didn't let them slide along. Wish we had more like that. I think it's easier for a kid to slide by and fall in the cracks when the parents are not involved and assume the schools are taking care of everything for them. Also, I think most teachers are frustrated with the apathy too, so when they have parents truly interested and pleasant, they are grateful. Hang in there. Good luck when you run for school board. Livingston could use a person like you!

Jenn said...

You go sistah!
I so agree with you.
It is a challenge...especially here in po dunk Montana. Having 4 kids in public school...homeschooled one and that one is now in "private" school, its a hard battle to fight. I agree with reading to your kids...but the most important part is to teach them STUDY SKILLS. Teach them to be organized and how to handle to bombardment of work. I have 2 kids that can handle this and 2 that are not so good....it really takes a toll on them academically and attitude-wise.
Simply put...public education is NOT what it used to be...I feel it's ALL about money...and the lack of.(very political)
Hey we could run for school board together.......hmmmm!

Brooks Brown said...

Jamie, once again our similarities in life reveal themselves. I also came from a school system that boasted great ACT and SAT scores and now live in a place where all the parents of soon-to-be kindergartners are in line to get out of my neighborhood and into an official "burb". I am coaching a softball team where I have learned that my star player has a mother that was only 13 when she was born so I definitely understand exactly where you are coming from. I will go to the Stand Up website ASAP and I appreciate every single point you are making here. Every kid deserves a good education -- it can be life changing in all the right ways.


Saint of Speed said...

One wonders how govts can spend billions on defence and so little in education and health.


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