Thursday, April 06, 2006

You Are My Sunshine(s)

Today we have enjoyed our first real spring rain, so we have mostly been inside all day. After naps, the girls played in Ad's room for awhile, then they brought their play things to my bed where I was resting. They were being so cute and funny, I grabbed the camera. Although it hardly does justice to the moment, here are some pictures (Heidi is all wild-haired and rosy-cheeked because she had recently woken up).
Here's Heidi's pageant smile...
...and here's a silly face...
...and here she is being her wild-eyed, turning-two-in-nine-days self.


Laura said...

I love seeing pictures of them. It's like looking at baby pictures of you. I miss you guys. Love you bunches!

cmhl said...

your girls are so gorgeous!!! cute!

how are YOU? how are you feeling??

Jamie said...

cmhl: i think i am doing pretty well, pregnancy-wise. i have already felt lots of movement and i am bigger than i have ever been around the belly. last night i dreamt i had my 20-week ultrasound and it was a big baby boy--so big that they scheduled a c-section for THE NEXT WEEK! funny. otherwise, i am having some curious aches and pains---head ahces and backaches--that get so bad i throw up and start to blackout, and they leave me stiff and sore for a day or two. i am going to discuss this w. the doc at my next appt 4/18 and see if they will at least do the blood screen for lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome, just to rule those out (auto-immune runs in the family). chiropractic has given me relief for aches before, but it's not working this time and that's weird. it's not terribly alarming, just a concern. mostly i am fine if the baby is fine, you know? thanks for asking ;)


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...