Sunday, April 09, 2006

Today in church I got my (second) Young Womanhood Recognition Award. I got the first one back when I was 15, but they have changed the program, so when I became a leader in the YW organization, I started the new program. It took me three years of goal-setting, studying, and projects to finish it (kind of like an Eagle for girls). My award is a necklace with the temple spires on it like the one to the right, except mine is silver. Nicole Carter (age 16) also got her award today, after a special evening in her honor last Wednesday night. I am glad I finished the program, but like I always tell the YW, personal progress continues for life (at least it does if we're doing what we're supposed to be doing).

1 comment:

Happy Gilmores said...

Yeah! Congrats. Page got hers back in 1980 (when we were HS Seniors... we're so old!)and has always loved the program too. You all do such a nice presentation for the girls. We were so appreciative of what you did for Lacey when she received her award in Montana. The nicest presentations I have seen in any ward I've lived in. I've seen some wards that have a plaque in the hallway (like an Eagle Award plaque) that lists the YW of the Ward that received the medallion. I think that is a nice touch. Just wanted to say" Way to go, Jaime!


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