Monday was relatively uneventful--just hanging out with the girls, doing laundry, watching kids' TV and coloring--until late afternoon when OUR BARN BURNED DOWN at the ranch.The cinderblock addition is all that's left of the barn, the corral, and the woodshed.
Rich arrived after 4pm and watched the fire spread from the barn to the woodshed, where the Melin boys had carefully stacked thousands of dollars worth of prime, reuseable barnwood from another structure on July1st...shucks! The fire trucks arrived a few minutes later, and they were still working when we went back between 7 & 8pm last night (the fire was out; they were just stacking debris and removng burnt trees). No one was hurt or even in danger...we had no animals or equipment nearby, and our garden and apple orchards were fine (so was Grandma Vivian).
Rich arrived after 4pm and watched the fire spread from the barn to the woodshed, where the Melin boys had carefully stacked thousands of dollars worth of prime, reuseable barnwood from another structure on July1st...shucks! The fire trucks arrived a few minutes later, and they were still working when we went back between 7 & 8pm last night (the fire was out; they were just stacking debris and removng burnt trees). No one was hurt or even in danger...we had no animals or equipment nearby, and our garden and apple orchards were fine (so was Grandma Vivian).
oh I'm so sorry to hear about your barn! that totally stinks :( I'm just really happy to hear nobody was hurt and it didn't spread.
does anyone know what caused the fire?
Nope--we are still looking into that. Monday night we interviewed a bunch a people across the river camping at Loch Leven to see if they'd seen anything. People keep saying lightning strikes, but there was no lightning on MOnday (on Tuesday, however, Pine Creek caught on nfire and is still burning way up high). WE are so grateful the blaze was so limited, but sorry to have lost the out buildings.
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