Well, we had a great time with Lisa visiting. The highlight was our trip with Lisa, Laura & her kids, Jess & Kelli, and Angie & Davy and their kids, down the Yellowstone River on inner tubes on Saturday. It was a hot day and the water was warm and we had a fabulous time. Mom Melin set out a pot luck lunch and watched the babies for us while dad set up the swing set in the tree (the limb on which we had our tree swing broke off last spring, so dad installed an I-beam with the boys this weekend--it's also the foundation for the Pirate Ship tree house he is building).
Sunday was Dad Melin's 60th birthday, which we celebrated with a ham dinner at his house, then homemade icecream at the ranch in the evening. We sure do love our Grandpa Tom! uring sacrament meeting I was released as Primary Secretary and sustained as chorister (because musical talent is more scarce in our ward than secretarial skills, I guess!), and I sang "Come, Come Ye Saints" while accompanying myself on the piano. Lisa came to sacrament meeting with me and would have stayed through the meetings with me, but I had to assume my chorister responsibilities immediately and James fell asleep on her, so I just sent her home to take a nap with him. We had a lovely day and I am excited to work harder on my new calling (which I have been "subbing" for two months).
I have a "week-in-review" post to write, but I need to take the girls to swimming lessons in a bit, so I will just post some photos of last Wednesday's dinner at Pine Creek with our local Melin Family (Uncle Mark's family was still in NJ because he is deployed to the UAE in his big plane--we really missed Aunt Elena, Liana, Sariah and baby Jared this week! Aunt Elena would have felt right at home in the heat with us!). Tomorrow Aunt Marti and Cousin Brent will be visiting all the way from Sierra Vista, Arizona! I am so excited to see them! So more updates to come!
I am so jealous of all the "family" time! Sounds like so much fun!Let me know when things calm down for you....it sounds like your busy for a while.
I was leafing through Darrell's most recent issue of GQ (I really hate that mag, but whatever) and lo and behold, Livingston is 1 of 3 summer escapes they profile. They have nothing but glowing reviews of the Murray Hotel, Dan Bailey's Fly Shop, Road Kill Cafe (they do let us know it is in McLeod) and Chico Hot Springs is THE place to go if you can do only one thing. There is only a really little picture of downtown, but it made me want to come to your neck o' the woods. Your adventures sounded so fun! I am jealous you can even go outdoors in the summer. But, I do have monsoons! :)
Steph, you are welcome in my neck of the woods ANYTIME...well, your room won't be ready until the Slovakians move out in September, but DO COME. I'm telling you, summer in Montana is a revelation to an Arizona girl. Winter here is like summer there--all about avaoiding the weather. But it seems like Montana summers are all about packing all your fun into about six weeks before it's too cold to swim again! :) I LOVE it and I am happy to share the love with my poor deprived AZ friends. I'm telling you, those snowbirds are onto something!
Come enter my giveaway, Jamie
Maj, I am so glad you had a good weekend with the family, and I am sure Lisa must have loved it ALL! I am so sad I missed her! Your pictures are so funny! I love all the closeups!
Hey James...It was the most fun! Thanks.
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