(We all agreed that Dad Post would love this band--he might even join them!)
And here are the horses in the field at sunset...
...have I mentioned I love Montana Summers?
We just couldn't make it til the fireworks...we were beat (Grandpa Melin always wears us out)...we headed home at 9:30 and got to bed about 11:30...WHEW--what a day!
these horse shots are AMAZING!!! Very beautiful...Dave and I are going to try and squeeze in a trip your way in October...what do you think??
I'm tired just reading about it, but you should have watched the fireworks... go for broke! Looks like the Ringling 5 have grown in size...
Yeah, when they were singing their Ringling 5 theme song, one of the back up singers would say, "Or six or seven or eight..." everytime they said "five". I saw them a few weeks ago and there were only five, so maybe they picked up some extra cowboys on the way to the Watson Ranch! Part of me wishes we'd seen the fireworksm but we're so spoiled, so "over the firesowrks" since the three nights of great fireworks at the roundup (which is funny because when I was a little kid in dry-as-a-bone Arizona, it was such the special occasion to have fire works...and snow...Montana has spoiled all of that!:)) Hey, we miss you Gilmores!
wow, all of those photos really remind me of 'home'. I'm so glad to see your kids obviously having a blast. We always stop at the carousel and Gates of the Mountains was one of my Dad's favorite places to go boating.
Isn't Jim Post in that Ringling 5? Oh, he's not? Well It would be fitting! ha ha!
haha jill! I totally told Jamie at the show that we should photoshop Grampa Jim into one of those pics! He would have fit right in for sure!
Melins, we had sooooooo much fun with your family on the boat ride and at the bbq. Man! That pork was SO SO gooood! Thanks for inviting us. Lets meet up again some time soon okay? You, me... Uncle Sam.
love you
amie and matt
ps- The Smyphony is playing under the stars in Helena on Thursday night. Laura and I were hoping to make a girl's night of it with Lisa when she came if you can swing it! You know there is always a bed here for you!
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