Wednesday, September 05, 2007


...Tuesday, September 5, 2006,

our Sweet Baby James

(aka Roly Poly Ole or Bubby) was born!

Here's a little photographic walk down memory lane:

Look at that big healthy boy weighing in at 9 lb-11 oz!

Sleepy little sweetheart on 9/7/06
Snuggling with Dad on 9/6/06
Big Yawn Oct. 2006
Sweet Smile November 2006


James, you have been the sunshine of our lives this past year! You are sweet and snuggly and you love to do all your baby jobs: eat and sleep and play. Your sisters adore you and your parents are grateful you came to bless our family and carry on the Melin name. Today you are crawling, pulling yourself up on things tentatively; you can climb the first stair but you don't dare go further yet. You just cut your fifth and sixth teeth this week, so you have that cute snaggly one-year-old grin with the two teeth on bottom and 4 across the top. Your favorite toys are the See-n-Say Farm and the Farm Animal cards Aunt Lisa bought for you. You are still most interested in people and love to play pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, and almost any silly, giggly game your sisters make up. You are very snuggly except when you're tired--I always want to rock you, but you want to lay in your bed and watch your fishies (Fisher Price Aquarium) and drift off to sleep to their music with no one bothering you. Today, though, you gave ME the birthday present when you fell asleep for your morning nap on my chest while I was consoling you after you pulled the trash can over on yourself. Awww, poor Ole Boy! Bubby, we love you and wish you many more happy healthy years like this one!

Love, Mom


Jenn said...

Dang is he the cutest kid on the block or what?????
Haapy B-day James...Auntie Jenn loves you!

shoeaddict said...

Jamie, this child is the sweetest. God Bless You, sweet James! I love reading all about you and seeing pictures of you. I'm getting very antsy in the "baby" department... hmmmm??

How do y'all pronounce OLE? Are your children's names family names? I am a name freak!

Congrats on 1 year glorious year together!

Amy said...

hey jamie...James is so precious...he is so so cute! I love and miss all you so much :(. Hope all is well. My email address is Email me anytime. Love and Miss You!

Jamie said...

Thansk, Auntie Jenn! I am glad I get to see you tonight!

Kristen: Thanks--you are always so sweet about James! You're my best blogfan! Ole is pronounced "OH-lee" and it's Swedish. My hubby's great- great paternal Grandpa Ole came from Sweden with his brother, Leander. Yes, the kids' names are family names, except for Heidi--although I have a cousin Heidi--she is mostly named for all the cute Heidi's I have known and for the book. Lynn is my maternal Gram and best friend, Adeline was my great Grandmother's middle name (Jayne Adeline Thatcher)as well as Richard's maternal Grandmother's name--it seemed an obvious choice! I love it! Good luck to you in "the baby department!"

AMY: It's so great to hear form you! We looove you! Keep in touch! James wants to give his Auntie a HUG!

Anonymous said...

Don't let him grow one more inch until I get there. I've already missed too much!!!!!

chrissy said...

Happy Birthday! What a cutie!

Geo said...

Gettin' cuter all the time, if that's even possible.


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