Thursday, January 10, 2008

Free Market Hope

I was shocked to learn this weekend that stupid Utah turned down school vouchers. I thought for sure that Utah was conservative and smart enough to jump at the chance to get the government out of the education-portion their personal business--but not so! Shocking!

So I am just wondering how in the world we can educate the general public about the benefits of the free market when the spoon-fed socialist movement is made to look so attractive. We watched Sicko a few weeks ago and I actually really liked it--it vividly illustrated the problems with our current system, especially the insurance industry. I totally disagree with Moore's conclusion/solution, though, of course. I mean, all you have to do is look at the inefficiency of all other government-run services (postal service, anyone?) to understand why you do NOT want bureaucrats and career politicians in charge of YOUR HEALTH and YOUR LIFE!

Enter Free Market Cure. Please watch it. Ponder it. Digest it. Live it. Love it. God Bless America.

And for my pro-government friends, here's an idea: why don't we take all those free hand-outs you want the government to offer and take them down to the state level and make ONE of the 50 states (Massachusetts or Northern California?) into a socialist experiment. Michael Moore can be the governor, or maybe Hillary or Barack--whomever isn't President--and everyone in that state can have government-run health care, government housing, food stamps, automatic seatbelts and helmets for driving, FDA-approved Foods (no soda or alcohol or french fires) and drugs, free utilities, free cable, and heck, maybe even someone to wipe their bums, and they can all make $50K per year, give $45K of it to the government (you know, "taxes" : what we pay for the government to babysit us). It will be a beautiful redistibution of wealth and a lovely way to get out of practicing self-discipline or budgeting because, you know, all you have to do is go to your job everyday--everything else is done for you. By someone else's standards and timetable, of course. ENJOY!

Maybe I am just too independent. I think I am turning CRAZY libertarian! I am just SICK of people (especially presidential cnadidates lately) talking down to me as if I am incapable of taking care of myself and helping my neighbors. BITE ME, big fat federal government!

Okay. I am finished ranting. You didn't know this apron-wearing Montana hausfrau had it in her, did ya? Well, there's more where that came from, peeps. Just watch election year wear down my very last nerve--it'll bring out the home-grown Montana Libertarian in me! Don't make me hole up on the ranch in the shed and write my libertarian manifesto, yall!

" We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God." --James Madison
And here's the HOPE part, courtesy of Kelly the Crafter.


Shoeaddict said...

read an article today ab the government wanting to control our temperature. in our homes.

Lyndi said...

No Big Government!!!NO!NO!NO! I agree, Obama wants to wipe your bum and do everything else for ya too. Help!!! Big Brother is watching you! (Orwell 1984) Scary. I thought it was crazy when I read it in high school, no that'll never happen, well here we are!

The Laytons said...

Right on sista! "Government is not the solution to the problem, it is the problem" - Ronald Reagan. Any one half awake would notice that the only thing government does well are those things like "provide for the common defence" and such. Anyway there is a serious lack of personal responsibility out there and it isn't going to get any better. It;s really too bad

Becky said...

Nice post, woman. :)

Jessica said...

Amen, girl! I wish we had more Montana Housefraus in government.

Anonymous said...

I had a pro-school vouchers sign on my lawn. But to no avail. *sigh* But socialized medicine--YIKES!! Talk to anyone in Canada and they can tell you horror stories. I can give you plenty from Jason's family. Well, all we can do is be active politically and pray really hard!

thehiattfamily said...

You must listen to Neal Boortz because you echo him beautifully! Why can't everyone think as rationally as the people reading your blog?


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