At The Children's Museum of Bozeman (2/23)
James playing trains
Heidi digging in the rice
Heidi in the "Doctor's Office" looking like a mad scientist ...

The Museum still needs a lot of stuff to get where they want to be. I have an idea for a donation drive brewing in my silly head. It would be a great service project (Debbie, are you reading this? It would be a great 10-hour project to collect some wish list donations from Livingston businesses and ward members, don't you think???) or Eagle Project. I'm gonna get crackin' on it.

Valentine's Day Breakfast

(you can see my "fondue for two" pot on the counter and the terrible psoriasis that just busted out on my eyelids).
1 comment:
James is so BIG. He doesn't look like a baby anymore. That Children's Museum looks like fun.
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