Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, if this isn't just the biggest game of Hurry Up and Wait! Mom got a generic phone call from her Doctor's office this morning telling her that she has a 3:15pm appointment with her oncologist on Friday. So that means that she DOES have cancer but she doesn't know what kind or what stage...they will tell her all of this on Friday and then we will know when her radiation and chemo cycles begin and we can activate Operation MamaCare!

She is much better today and we have had fun visiting as I finished all the laundry and got packed. We are leaving much later than we had planned, but it's okay. I am grateful for every moment with her and glad to leave things in a good state. Hang in there til Friday, one day at a time...:) More from Montana manana ;)


Jill Petersen said...

First off I love the picture! You totally could have drawn it I'm sure! I can't believe she has to wait 4 more days. This sucks so bad!!! I thought we would know something tomorrow. Well, I will just have to keep praying and praying. Atleast we'll find out together since I'll be at your house Friday! Thanks for the update. I love you.

Laura said...

I think we all need to be on a conference call when we get the news! Love you.

Lisa said...

Hey Jamie, My thoughts are with you guys. Yay Rich for being the studly endurance driver to get you all out there, and yay kiddos for being good in the car, and yay Jamie for holding it all together. Lots of love and good thoughts coming from Virginia. - Lisa

Dana and Rodney said...

I'm with Laura, is there any way to do that? Love you guys.

Jamie said...

..And I love YOU guys! I think the only way to conference it is for ALL of you to come to my house this weekend, yo!!!! Seriously, Laura and Matt should just come to my house for a family day on Friday! (Dana, you and all the other sibs are invited, too, if you can make it!) I sure do love you guys! You are all awesome people, and Naner, it was so great to finally talk to you!

michaeledrews said...

Hey jamie I am up here in washington for the summer! So I will check up on Mom all the time and help out with anything that is needed! Love you and miss you!

Lisa Oslin said...

I do not think I will be able to make it to your house this weekend. Ha Ha
I wish I could be there with you all. I love you guys. Make sure that I get a call asap. Don't make me wait till Saturday.
Love you
Lisa Ree

Jamie said...

Lisa, no way we would wait til Saturday! I think mom said she's going to come home and blog it, but of course we will all want to talk to her! I am sure she will call you Friday, and we will, too. I love you!

Laura said...

I have to work...of course, but I will be waiting by the phone when I get home. Love you.


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