(This is just a random thought)
While I was driving the other morning at 3am, I was listening to BBC News international on the radio and they kept reporting on Relief (or refual thereof) in Myanmar.
When I got to Vancouver I checked lds.org to see how things were going for the church there, and I saw THIS.
Reason #4,867 That I Love Being LDS: I always know that when disasters happen and relief is needed, my money and donations are already there. The church almost always uses charities and rescue workers that are already on the ground when the disasters happen, (like the Bishops Storehouse in Metairie, LA during Katrina) so the help comes almost instantly. It's just a matter of distribution (which I know is a challenge in Myanmar, but still...)I LOVE that.
While I was driving the other morning at 3am, I was listening to BBC News international on the radio and they kept reporting on Relief (or refual thereof) in Myanmar.
When I got to Vancouver I checked lds.org to see how things were going for the church there, and I saw THIS.
Reason #4,867 That I Love Being LDS: I always know that when disasters happen and relief is needed, my money and donations are already there. The church almost always uses charities and rescue workers that are already on the ground when the disasters happen, (like the Bishops Storehouse in Metairie, LA during Katrina) so the help comes almost instantly. It's just a matter of distribution (which I know is a challenge in Myanmar, but still...)I LOVE that.
There is a couple from our ward that is there right now on their mission.
I meant "That are there"
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