Monday, June 02, 2008

Stage One!

So Mama's oncologist got her treatment shedule lined out today and let her know that her cancer is "only" stage one--totally beatable! So she'll have six rounds of chemo (every 21 days) followed by four radiation treatments.

Here's the chemo schedule: 6/6, 6/27, 7/18/, 8/8, 8/29, and 9/19.

I'll be with her for her first round, Lisa and the Grandparents will be with her for the second, Sam, Kristen will take care of her 7/18, and August and Septmber are still open--Marti, are you still going the end of August? I can probably take August 8th if Matty Post can't do it. And Marti, do you want to come back on September 19th and celebrate our birthday with Abby and take care of Mom? We can celebrate it being her last round of chemo, too! Come on, it'll be fun! ;)

update: Michael is close by and can help mom, too, so maybe you can plan on August 8th, Mike.
Also, Jill and Sara will be with mom next week.

I also plan on bringing Abby and Marshall home with me on 6/18, so if anyone wants to plan some time or activities with them, let me know (Matt? Laura? Jill?).
Jill is taking Marshall to Utah after we swap Cody and Tyler in Idaho on June 20-something.

"Activate Operation MamaCare!"


Jenn said...

Sounds like "good" news! Glad that it is only "stage1".

michaeledrews said...

Jamie I will be here too so I can help!

Jill Petersen said...

Don't forget I will be there the 13th through the 22nd this month! I'll be coming back when I am needed of course. Drew's vacation days double mid Sept so I could go the last round chemo...

I can always come back again in August too to help wtih a round. I'll decide once I know who's going when and all that.

Like we talked about- I will probably take Marshall back with me when I bring up Cody and Ty- Sound about right?

Carla said...

Your family sounds awesome to be there for your mom with game on. Hope your mom does well.

Lisa Oslin said...

I am up for end of August or early September. Let me know and I will be there. Love ya. Thank you for being the Operation Mama coordinator!!
Love you , Lisa

Lisa Oslin said...

on top of my June 27th date of course!!

Aim said...

if there are slots to sign up for, we will be there. Just let us know and we'll make it happen!

Unknown said...

Yes on the Sept 19th shift. Let me work out the details. Is the reunion stil on??? How will Lyndi feel with 100 people hanging around?? Big question. love you all and isn't this such a great answer to our prayers!!! I feel very grateful.Auntie M


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