Tuesday, September 09, 2008

And hello...

...I still have a headache and will being going to the chiropractor tomorrow. I am still afraid to use the Maxalt prescription my doctor gave me because I don't have time to be drowsy right now!

Anyway...did you see the Clark kids on the Today show today? Click here to get the clip from cjane. It's pretty amazing how Nienie's story has spread, and the example of supportive, loving famliy set by the Clark/Nielson gang is fantastic. I am sometimes just overwhelmed by the horror of Stephanie's condition (3rd degree burns on 80% of her body), but her family's faith is so calming. I hope my family will be this good for me and my kids if I am ever out of the picture.

I am getting sooooo annoyed by political people in the media lumping "American Women" together as a voting block. It's so insulting and irritating. I can't believe that other "voting blocks"--like Latinos or African-Americans--haven't protested this concept before. I dunno--maybe they do vote in blocks, statistically. But do women? I seriously doubt that. Why? Because I for one can't think of a single other woman with whom I agree on 100% of the issues. Many of my friends are FAR more liberal than I am, and many are conservative in ways I will never be (I have found that, while my personal life is very conservative, I am not totally a social conservative). It's even worse when other women speak for "American Women" as if we all agree. Hilary Clinton does it often, and the Wilson sisters even did it this week when they said that Sarah Palin's views "in NO WAY represent us as American women"--WHAT THE FREAK is that supposed to mean? I'd put money on the fact that Palin's views represent more "American Women" than the Wilson Sisters' views.

Heaven help us.

Heidi just got up from her nap, so it's time for me to get her some blue berries and start dinner (lettuce wraps, for the first time in a long time!). Leave me some comments, people!


Jill Petersen said...

I am so sorry about the axe in the skull! Try and have Rich take the kids for a night so you can sleep. I know, with Rich's busy schedule and yours it's hard to do that but you have to sometimes to feel better. Please take the meds! I finally got some calming sleep for about 4 hours tonight. Now I am up and worried about you. Take the stuff and get the axe out!

Jill Petersen said...

PS- I enjoyed that sweet interview with Matt lauer. I have had a lot of local reports on the news about this but it's pretty cool it reached the Today show! How cute is Courtney?! It humbles my heart to watch that.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...