Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Auld Lang Syne...

We just came home from a quick trip to Bozeman and on the way home I tried to remember as many New Years' Eves as I could...

1984: Stayed home at our house on David Drive an watched the ball drop on TV
1985: Regional Dance at the U of A Ballroom where we thought "the spike was punched."
1986: Regional Dance at one of the stake centers in Tucson--was it North? Cuz all I remember is lovin' A1 with all my might.
1987: Regional Dance in Glendale, AZ with Brent G. and I stayed over with his family all weekend...This was shortly after seeing U2 twice at SunDevil Stadium and we were still hopped up on the Joshua Tree, even a year after it came out.
1988: House Party in NW Tucson with HS friends; last night KFOX was on the air; I remember counting down the new year to the sounds of Pink Floyd's "Learning to Fly," and feeling much like an earth-bound misfit. I think I was with Robert because I know we went to Marie Callendar's for breakfast in the morning.
1989: At home in SV with my sibs, I think....
1990: At the misison home in Oklahoma with the G'rents
1991: At the Bergeson's home in SLC with Kevin (I think we were breaking up)
1992: On my mission--transferred to Rockingham from Tarboro, my first night in Rockingham was NY Eve, and I stayed there until September transfers.
1993: On my mission--first week in Southern Pines, NC
1994: Party hopped with old HS friends, ended up at home counting down with Matt Basham (Hi, Matt!) --oh, no, wait...I think that was 1991. Did I go to Ohio? I don't remember, but I was living at Ruper Five with Heidi and Erin that year.
1995: In Pinehurst NC with all the young adults there (Adam, BJay, etc.)
1996: In Tucson, at the Bingham's big party with A2, dreamy midnight kisses and Square Pegs on TV
1997: Same thing as '96, I think, pretty much. Oh wait! I was with A2, but I think that's the year that Liz Kersey made a gourmet dinner for all us friends. That was so fun!
1998: Party at the Palmers in Alpine, UT with A3
1999: Day at Disneyland, night at regional dance across the street from Disneyland with Steve Mackay and friends; took off early to celebrate Y2K at my mom's in Ramona, CA.
2000: Hung out with Rich doing wedding announcements
2001: Surprised the Melins by coming up to Livingston with Baby Addie; watched Lord of the Rings in the theatre and watched Dick Clark on TV.
2002: Can't remember--were we here or on the road home from Texas Christmas? My fabulous scrapbook tells me we were on our way home, staying with Jill and Drew in SLC playing board games.
2003: I was prego and we were super sick and we stopped and spent New Years Eve in Tempe/ Higley with the Halls/Arnetts. Celeste and Ryan let us sleep over at their (then) new house. Celeste was pregnant with Max and I was pregnant with Heidi.
2004: At my in-laws'--Read about it HERE
2005: In Sierra Vista--read about it HERE
2006: In Tucson, in a bit of turmoil--read about it HERE
2007: In Livingston, partially with the Bates Family, then all by myself at home while everyone slept for the countdown--see pix HERE

...and tonight we are all in our jammies at 7pm, ready to play wii and eat treats with our Gray cousins (across the street) and ring in 2009. I will be exorcising my tummy demon (made of holiday junk food, I am sure; I told Rich today that I am having "an intestinal infarction" --I made that up, but I am seriously cleansing!), starting with this berry smoothie and no meat, dairy, or white stuff for a couple of weeks. Gotta love myself a little for the new year, ya know!

Have a great one, y'all...start the new year off right and celebrate havign the ESSENTIALS: food, shelter, and LOVE.


shoeaddict said...

I grew up on David Drive. Loved that house.

Happy New Year!

Project Bloom said...

Wow, you have an excellent memory. I don't even remember NYE in high school.
Anna (HS friend if you don't remember. ;-)


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