Later I will post pictures from this morning's Alphabet Photo Safari with Heidi in downtown Livingston. Man, I love that girl. She is bursting at the seams with personality and sass; she is almost too much for me, but I strive everyday to figure out how to be her mom. The lyrics to "Maria" from Sound of Music often run through my mind when I think of her, and my mom job often feels like pinning down a cloud, keeping a wave on the sand, holding a moonbeam in my hand.
I read THIS POST from cjane today and I felt all kinds of amens coming on. I am often The Bull in a China Shop (speaking of flibbertyjibbits...) and often wish for more grace, more quiet strength. I mean, I am who I am, to a certain extent, I know this; I try to be grateful. I'm just sayin' I could make some better choices. I could learn to be a lady like cjane's Sister Ryan or my own dear grandmother (bless her heart--I'm sure I have horrified her sensibilities a zillion times!). Girlfriends, your thoughts on the secret of womanhood?
I feel like it has been lost on our generation. But maybe a few of us can become the kind of women we aspire to be. But then again, maybe it will take until we are the Sister Ryan's and the Grandmothers of the world for us to evolve into the women we want to be. I bet our grandmas's didn't start out as womanly as we see them...I have to believe that or there is no hope for me.
This is my favorite quote and how I would (eventually--and I know it is a LOOONNGGG way off!) like to be described:
The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity. ~ Margaret D Nadauld
Womanly attributes are given to all of us. We have to nurture them. We have to refine our speech, our actions and our thoughts. Most of the time our gentleness comes out by itself. Some times it hides for lack of use. Often times we are overwhelmed and have no way to know who we are and what we are suppose to do. Life is the best of all gifts and we are here to be refined. The refiners fire can burn hot and bright or it can be a warming glow. Either way we are being refined. Enjoy the journey and rejoice in the mystery of womanhood.
Measure twice, talk once.
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