Monday, May 11, 2009

So Anyway...

My sunburn has officially gone from Grody Gooey Blister mode to Crusty Peeling mode, which is itchy and slightly less gross. Everso slightly.

I walked about 3 miles today with the bike stroller...went up and down the hill to tenth street and back, thentook Heidi to school, visited Addie at her school, then met Daddy at the office and went to lunch. Good day, but I am tired.

I am having a newsfast, I just realized. I go through these cycles where I am totally into all kinds of news and debates and stuff, and then I hibernate. I am in hibernation mode, mostly because I am kinda sick-n-tired of the marriage debate, celebrities being mouthy/ lame/ irresponsible/ condescending, etc., I don't get Comedy Central, Glenn Beck has been a bit clownish, I don't have much to talk about on that front.

All is well here. We just had a quick FHE (a game of Book of Mormon cards, where Korihor is the Old Maid) and french bread pizza (no clean up). I may let the creative juices flow and scrapbook some little albums for the kids to remember our Cali trip last week. Or I may fall asleep in 20 minutes. Who knows...I'm wild-n-crazy like that. I updated the blog archives for the benefit of long-lost facebook friends just now joining the story already in progress. Click on the right for my new Blog FAQ links. Fun.


Jenn said...

I'm in a hibernating mood too. Not sure why though...but laying low is where I want to be.

Lisa said...

Yes, I understand the newsfast. I just have to turn it all off sometimes and chill. It's concentrated and designed to raise your blood pressure and anxiety levels.

Happy Gilmores said...

Ditto- I dont even sit all night watching Fox News. And the other news outlets are a joke with their love affair with everything Obama.

Hey, we got an email from Sean today and he got your families little packet. He loved it, especially the Kung Fu Panda stickers. Thanks for all your support!

Saramajayne said...

Jamie, Thanks for your help really appreciate it. Sorry I don't comment ever on your blog, I read it all the time though. I want you to know I love you and miss you guys terribly.


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