Saturday, June 13, 2009


My SIL posted about "things I suck at"--which is about my first three years of this blog for me: being pregnant, handling disorder, using power tools, dealing with people who have vastly different values than I do, math, typing, maintaining a decent weight, dealing with obstructed breathing, confrontation, patience...ALL THINGS I SUCK AT!

Right now the thing I suck at most is personal grooming. I am in the throes of busy momhood, and I am the poster girl for Letting Yourself Go. Part of me cares, but part of me cares more about my family life and THEIR grooming and cuteness. Don't get me wrong--I am still good about hygeine. I smell decent, my nails are ALWAYS cut and polished, my teeth are brushed at least twice a day, etc. etc. But I rarely "do" my hair (it requires a blow-out after each shampoo). I usually get up, put on yoga pants and a t-shirt and a headband, telling myself that AFTER I exercise and AFTER I get teh house clean, I will freshen up and put on an "outfit."

You've probably guessed that the sweaty chores never end. The yoga pants and Tshirts never get changed. The makeup bag gathers dust. I DO apply vitamin E oil to the lashes and I swear by clinique city block after the morning face wash--at least it evens the skin tone and provides sunblock. That's gotta count for something, right?

The thing is, I do a decent job at a LOT of things, but I excell at pretty much nothing. I am undisciplined in a lot of ways and that's why I can't sight read or sew or bake well. Or, like the Innocence Mission song, "I know nothing about so many, too many things..."


cmhl said...

girl, I can SO relate.

right now my eyebrows are BAD because I"m going to get them waxed. well, I might ought to go on and do that.

my hair.... oh, lets not even go there. I got it done the other day & a girl brought her new twins in (which, granted, were precious), and left the lightener on too long. so, let's just say I have dramatic streaks.

my legs are fat. seriously.

I think I"m working on pink-eye.

hwmnbn and Matthew coming home from a canoe trip tonight w/ scouts, so you know they will be exhausted, so you know I will have to keep everyone separated so they aren't fussing, ..

BUT!!!! how are you!?

Becky said...

Yoga pants and a t-shirt ARE a real outfit. . . right?

Jamie said...

only if you didn't sweat in them yesterday!

Aim said...

hahahahaha! oh jaim I love ya cause right now I actually AM wearing yoga pants and a tshirt!! Nice. What you said about doing lots of things but excelling at nothing...i've actually thought a lot about that over the past couple weeks. I was feeling a little mellow about how there is not one thing that I am a specialist at. Like a jane of all trades, master of none. I dibble dabble in a lot but nothing really sticks long enough for me to get REALLY good at it. I think it's cause my personality likes things that show the fruits of my labor fast. Therefore I usually get bored easily with projects that require constant vigilance like quilting, piano, scrapbooking... or laundry. ha!

anyway, maybe the answer is to all move into a giant house together and we can all do a little of what we love to make it run. For instance you could be in charge of making great mexican and oriental dishes, I'll be in charge of the amazing slip and slide we'll have outside, Jill could do all our hair and makeup, laura could do our know? our combined talents would make a well run house with beautifully groomed women! I'd have to be a really big house tho to escape each other when we needed. haha!

Carla said...

Jamie, this one made me laugh out loud! I am your backup poster girl, because frankly I'm struggling with even the hygeine (I finally showered for the second time this week just yesterday). And I can't tell you how long I stay in my sports bra every day. Poor Gene, what I must look like when he comes home from work.


Thanks for this post, since it makes me feel completely and totally NORMAL! Sometimes I need assurance that I'm not the only busy momma who wears yoga pants all day!

Luisa said...

It's nice to hear that because I read your blog and think about how amazing you are in so many ways so thanks for making us normal people feel like you're a little closer to our level!


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