Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Help From Both Sides

My alarm clock this morning was James barfing on me, so I am ready to snuggle a sicky and wash what ever he barfs on all day. Whiel I am doing that, I will read THIS TALK--I found the devotional from which Sunday's quote was taken. You can read along!

Have a great day.

Okay, now it's 3:30. James is napping, Heidi has just come home from a date with Aunt Debbie, and I just finished reading Jeffrey R. Holland's talk (link above). Are you done yet? K, let's discuss. I'll post my faovrite parts and you post yours!

First let me tell you that I printed it out, then went and read it on the porch between 2:30-3pm, just as a CRAZY-WILD thunderstorm blew in and it was soul-stirringly awesome...wish U were here!

So...I loved his introduction of the topic: "I wish to speak today of a problem that is universal...I believe it is a form of evil...I speak of doubt--especially self-doubt--and discouragement and despair...This morning I want to attack double-digit depression." It totally IS a form of evil! It's so important to remember that! (more from President Benson on the subject HERE).

Holland quotes Thoreau, which I love: "Love your life, poor as it is...The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man's abode."

I love the whole section where he gives us scriptural examples of others' troublesome times. It begins with, "If you are trying hard and living right and things still seem burdensome and difficult, take heart. Others have walked that way before you..." and ends with how Enoch went from "slow of speech" to roaring like a lion.

The following section contains some really beautiful ideas about repentance:
"...there can be a different you."
"Repentance is not a foreboding word. It is, following faith, the most encouraging word in the Christian vocabulary. Repentance is simplt the scriptural invitation for growth and improvemetn and progress and renewal. You can change! You can be anything you want to be in righteousness."
And here's the most clever point about repentance:
"Do not misunderstand. Repentance isnot easy or painless or convenient. It is a bitter cup from Hell. But only Satan, who dwells there, would have you think that a necessary acknowledgement is more distateful than permanent residence...don't fall for it." AWESOME!

There are two great stories that folow the repentance part--one of Eli Pierce, who had the faith to accept a mission call he was totally unprepared for (which makes me think hard about who we call to positions as leaders in the ward), and another about the little hayseed lost in Chicago.

Then my favorite part where he recounts the story of Elisha and the dang Syrian army. More than anything I learned in 4 years of seminary, this story has stuck with me for 25 years. This phrase, "They that be with us are more than they that be with them" means the world to me! And Elder Holland does a great job retelling the story and how it applies to us. One more time, just to hit it home, here is the quote that led me to the talk. (I am going to tattoo it to my eyelids):
"In the gospel of Jesus Christ you have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike—and they will—you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection. They will always be there, these armies of heaven, in defense of Abraham’s seed."

And that concludes today's personal study. Thanks for joining me!

post script:
Here is another great article about forgiving oneself.


Lisa said...

Thank you, Jamie.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Jamie, I love Jeffery R. I think when we where in the NCRM and "Of Souls Symbols and Sacraments" was given to all of us... I learned to love the way he puts thoughts to words - to thoughts for me... I love your final quote!!! I try to live by it but oh I fail sometimes and the "EVIL" self doubt and pity creep into my life again.. Thank You Thank You for being YOU!!! I learned to Love you and Sister Post and I am remembering why as Sister Melin!!! <3

AuntieM said...

Thanks Jamie for these references. I have a dear friend who lost her 24 yr.old son in a single car accident on the 30th of July. I know that her nonmember husband and other children are having trouble and maybe these articles will help them. You are amazing and I thank you for your testimony and your wisdom. You are such a blessing to me. Thanks for threats in the G'ma box. Hugs


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