Tuesday, August 04, 2009

In Other News...

In all the hullabaloo, I forgot to write about some things going on at my house last week. The best news is that James is 90% potty trained (I still put on pullups at night, but he was dry this morning)--hooray! I bought him a new Mack (the truck that pulls Lightning McQueen from Cars) to celebrate, and if he has an accident I just have to remind him that if we don't make it to the potty, Mack has to get put away and that serves as a fine reminder.

Also, Rich and I had a date at the Rod & Gun Club on Wednesday night. I shot a 38 special and a little 22 rifle with decent accuracy (I was within the bullseye most of the time, but obviously pulling right). I was too scared to shoot the BIG rifle (it's a 5__sumthin-sumthin, semi-automatic with ginormous ammo), but Rich shot it pretty well, hitting the target once at 500 yards! It was kind of cold outside so I watched from the car for a while and I must say it was really fun to watch hubs shoot as the sun set, listening to City Arts & Lectures on NPR. I definitely have the best of all possible worlds.

That's all for now...Heidi & James are restless! Addie is at summer day camp for 2 weeks, so H&J are really at each other's throats. Later...


Rich said...

My gun packin momma! Hot!

Lisa said...

How old is James? My nephew just turned 3 and has noooooooo interest in being potty trained. He likes to watch the "Once Upon a Potty" video over and over, but if you point out an actual potty, or ask him if he needs to go potty, he is suddenly, mysteriously blind and deaf. He gets really, really focused on whatever he's doing and pretends he didn't see or hear you. His parents are trying to be cool about it and not force it on him, but he's in a pre-school and there's parental peer pressure because a lot of the other kids are already potty trained.

Jenn said...

You go girl! That was the best part of Girl's camp for me...learning to shoot a 22 rifle! And I hit the target every time too!


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