Friday, August 07, 2009


I'm going camping in the rain tonight. I hate camping but I also hate my house today, so it'll be good to be out with my kids. Addie and I are going to embroider til our fingers bleed! I know, sounds heavenly! I broke down today, hardcore. Something inside my head physically snapped, I felt it. I woke up with a back- and head- ache so severe my chiro couldn't adjust me at my 11:00am appointment. Taking a morning jetted-tub-soak didn't help, and neither did two Excedrin migraine. The left side of my face was tingling, and pain was shooting down from my left hip through my knee to my ankle and arch. I threw up twice from the nausea. After recovering from the second time (2:30-ish?), I emerged from the bathroom to find that (a) Heidi and James had just trashed the family room with their coloring supplies, (b) James had wet his pants for the 3rd time today, and (c) proceeded to color himself all over with a sharpie [sound familiar, Jenn???]. That's when I snapped.
I was so angry, I couldn't even discipline them. I couldn't even talk. James gets hosed off with a cold hand shower when he has accidents and I had to try so hard not to throw him in the tub. I hosed him off, then made him soak for a bit to get the marker off his skin. Heidi figured out she'd better move it, so she cleaned up their mess and went and laid on my bed. By then I was crying and I couldn't stop. It totally freaked me out. I was just sobbing and I couldn't put a lid on it. I called Rich but I couldn't talk, so that freaked HIM out and he came home. It took me a good half hour to stop sobbing and shaking-- seriously freaking out. Every possible negative thought was just flooding my brain, and when I consciously tried to bring something positive to my mind, it just blew by or turned into a guilty feeling. It was like a dementor attack. I finally got a grip , but then Rich tried to take the kids "so I could rest," but that made me upset again because there was nowhere for him to take them and I knew they should be with me. I finally talked him into letting them come down and lay by me. We had a calmer afternoon--watched a kid show then got ready for the camp out--but I literally had to white-knuckle my way through it, breathing deeply, praying in my head, blinking back tears. I am losing my mind. I so tired of not feeling good. But I am also tired of wrestling with darkness. Today was an example of the chinks beginning to appear in my armor. I am going up the mountain to repair some cracks, find some peace, begin again. Again.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world..." Ephesians 6:12
PS: THIS did cheer me a little. Maybe we'll watch Ferris in the tent tonight.


lacy lee said...

I'm sorry you're feeling so terrible. There's really nothing worse than chronic terribleness. And sometimes, nothing better than a complete mental breakdown.

Anonymous said...

Caring for children while chronically feeling unwell is REALLY difficult. If it's any consolation, lots of other moms can relate to how you felt yesterday,so don't be too hard on yourself.

Becky said...

Wow. Are you sure you didn't accidentally take some fertility drugs? That's what clomid and progesterone cocktails do to me. Hope it passes over soon.

Adriane said...

Jamie! I love you!!!!!! Dagnabit, why aren't we neighbors and for that matter, why don't I have any neighbors. Sometimes I long for a neighborhood with a bunch of stay-at-home mothers who can support each other and help each other during our "breakdown's!" Seriously! All it would have taken was a phone call and I would have been there to take your kids and bring you dinner and help you and support you. I know the pioneers had it rough, but I really think there was some sort of a support network that we don't seem to have when we are FAR from family. I love ya. I want to come and visit soon!

Anonymous said...


gp in whitehall where there's always room at the inn

Jill Petersen said...

I hope today has been better for you. So sorry things are so tough on you right now. I am praying for you. I love you sis-

Jenn said...

Please call me ANYTIME...I can come over and take kids or whatever....I love ya girl...hope camping helped settle things.
We wont be at church tomorrow...Michaela is performing at the Sweet Pea festival with the ballet co. so take care

Jamie said...

Oh, my dear sister-friends...see why these stupid breakdowns are so stupid? There's all this love out there, and somehow the dementors can just cut me off from all of it andmake me feel nothing but worthlessness & darkness. LAME.

LACY! UR right! Sometiems U gott a breakdown, and I seriosuly think that, although it could have been more graceful, many a toxin was released and I felt physically, chemically better after my freakout. Thanks for the comment!

TARALYN! I NO U NO waaazup here...thanks for encouraging me.

BECKY! I am so glad to know you've a hormonal monster in you, too. For me, I thinkit's just the massively high androgen count I've had lately. Yay, that.

ADRIANE...girl, every comment you leave makes me miss you like crazy. Like to the point of kidnapping you and forcing you to spend 2 weeks at my house. I'm glad AND sad that you know what it feels liek to be raising a family away from your peeps...mostly it's good, but somedays it's sooooo bad!

MANKER: Thanks for the thoughts. I checked out your B&B, and I am envious and happy 4U! Maybe we'll see you on one of our romantic get-aways...

JILL! I love U,2...I wanna hear your week has gone.

YENNIFER! You didn't hear me screaming at your house? It felt like I was rockin' the whole town! Hey, how bout u-n-me take an afternoon matinee date this week? I need one, and Marissa needs back to school money, so sounds good, eh? Julie & Julia on Tuesday? Call me!

AuntieM said...

I am so glad you are feeling better. I've been worried. I understand the dementors and the effect they can have. they have been circling SV for the past few days too. I just hug Ralph and hang on. Hugs darlin' Auntie M


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