Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Greetings from the Shadow of the Everlasting Hills

So we're in Utah now. We spent Sunday & Monday morning in Idaho, then drove down to SLC yesterday. Rich sold our Civic hybrid in Bozeman (I know, so sad), so he is shopping for a good 4WD (because he's tired of getting stuck in our Montana terrain---not ideal for a tiny hybrid, but it was fun while it lasted--I love that car). We test drove a Lexus equivalent of a Land Cruiser yesterday (Rich is testing another one today) and we liked it. So tomorrow we'll own one Land Cruiser or another (which you may remember was my dream car in HS---I was SUV when SUV wasn't cool).

After car shoppin' we went and visited Erin Casper at her in-laws' (you may remember that Erin was my post-mission Provo roommate/soul sister and we stayed with her in England last year--they are visiting family for a few weeks here, and that's why we came down). Then we drove a whole mile or two to MY mom's house and had dinner and family time. So far so good, but I only slept for about 4 hours last night because my back hurt, I had a caffeinated beverage at dinner, and I was riddled with anxiety and am off medication for it right now. I talked myself down and slept well between 4:30-8am. Now we are heading out to lunch with Rich's Aunt Jude, then up to spent the afternoon and evening on Temple Square with the Casper family. I am SO VERY EXCITED!

I didn't get a chance before Christmas to post pix of Addie's super fun Christmas program, "A Beary-Happy Holiday" in which she (and 37 other 2nd graders) played a Panda bear and sang fun songs. I got to help make the costumes, as I have been more and more involved at the school this year. I really like knowing what my kids are doing everyday and having some input into the curriculum, discipline, and atmosphere they experience. In fact, I just took over as PTO secretary (even though I have only been to 3 PTO meetings in 3 years). The major job of the secretary is to post minutes from meetings, rallying support for activities and fundraisers, and I am all about that kind of stuff. Anything I can do mostly from home, online, I'll do in a heartbeat. Besides, my mom mocked me and the PTO, and that's always a good sign that I am on the right track. I have other plans for the New Year, too, which I am excited about. Richard and I have done some talking and I have done a lot of praying about how to be a better and more whole person/wife/mom/friend and we have come up with some great ideas that I think will take our family "to the next level." I really love how the gospel, the great plan of happiness, is all about progression. It gets really exhausting sometimes, but I know that I am LEAST hapy when I "stop to rest" and most happy when I am striving. Often lately I have been singing in my hand this very joyful verse of "The Iron Rod": So Hand o'er hand the rod along/ thru each succeeding day/ with earnest prayer and hopeful song/we'll still pursue our way. I love the image of "hand over hand," just pulling our way up and up, becoming better. It says nothing about lollygagging along, nor taking a leisurely stroll along the rod (reminds me of Neal A Maxwell's "Hoping to ride to heaven on a golf cart" image), but 'hand over hand'--holding tight and moving. Striving. Onward and upward, y'all.

Hey, my ride is here! We're outta here. Have a great day and leave me a comment!


The Lyon Den said...

I always want to become a better person/wife/mother/friend. I try hard, but for some reason I feel like I fail half of the time. I know that I am not perfect and nobody is but I just wish for one day I could do everything exactly how I am supposed to.

Jamie said...

awww, Christabelle...I know the feeling, but after 8 years of juggling, I finally figured out the secret: lower/lessen your expectations! It sounds loser-ish, but it's true! I have a magnet that says, "If the kids are alive at the end of the day then I've done my job!"--I haven't lowered my expectations THAT much, but it's a good reminder to keep things in perspective, that we have many years as families to learn and grow together and as long as we learn about repentance, forgiveness, and endurance together, we're all going to make it. And the only perfection we can expect is perfection in Christ. luv U, girl! it'll B fun 2CU NYE!

AuntieM said...

You go girl! I can remember those days of being involved in the classroom and PTA. I was a life saver for me while Ralph was so busy becoming a Dr. Hugs!

Jenn said...

Glad that your visit is going well...I would love to hear how you plan to make changes....maybe you can share them with me! Hurry home so we can go to lunch or something...a movie is calling !!
Love ya

Jill Petersen said...

I am glad we got a chance to chat about the whole being involved with school and such. I am excited to do more and do pre-school in the fall. I think it will be great bonding time with Benji and I will learn as well! Let me know what you are going to incorporate!


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