Tuesday, May 04, 2010

In Times of Trouble

Just hours before I entered the MTC (mission training center, "Empty Sea" as I once heard it), I sat with my BYU Stake President and listened to him read THIS scripture to me. I had no idea what heart aches and challenges lay ahead--neither in the mission field nor in life--but that scripture sunk in deep and wrote itself on my heart. So deep, in fact, that everytime I hear it I remember the moment he read it to me. And then, like a slideshow, the moments of trial and sorrow where I was indeed born up by angels and my suffering sanctified, flash through my mind. And then I am comforted because I know that it is true. It is all but a small moment, it will all be for my good, and there is always peace and comfort and a better me on the other side. Every time.

So having gone to bed with a broken heart and waking up again with it still quite heavy, it was nothing short of tiny miracle, a tender mercy, and hug from My Father, to receive this link from Georgia this morning. My e-friend Stephanie now has her own Mormon Messages episode on you tube. It tells her story so beautifully and succinctly, all the while reiterating that these promises are for all of us. This strength and comfort and growth is available to all of us if we will see the holiness and potential of our sufferings, if w will be humble and let God shape us inside the proverbial refiner's fire. I testify with my life and all that I am that it is true. They will always bear us up.


Taralyn said...

I Love You and I wanted to Share this Quote from: Jeffrey R. Holland:

“In the gospel of Jesus Christ you have help from both sides of the veil, and you must never forget that. When disappointment and discouragement strike–and they will–you remember and never forget that if our eyes could be opened we would see horses and chariots of fire as far as the eye can see riding at reckless speed to come to our protection. (See 2 Kings 6:16-17)They will always be there, these armies of heaven, in defense of Abraham’s seed.”

I am thinking of you and your family today - I love Pres Holland and I love how his way with words always wrap me in the Love our Heavenly Father has for his children!!!

Take Care and Take Heart Jamie - You and your Loved ones are Watched over, Protected and Wrapped in the Arms of His Love!!!

CrumpyLady said...

Jamie - I watched this video just before I ventured over to your blog and was bawling like a wee babe. I was at my mom's house yesterday and could see the worry, concern, and anxiety she is carrying around for your mother. It is not easy to feel helpless and know that things are out of your hands. Know that we are all praying for your mama and hope that the right direction will present itself to the doctors and nurses helping her right now. We love you.


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...