Monday, August 23, 2010


My Grandparents (who are more like parents to me) celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday, August 22nd (and if you've been following the blog, you understand what a miracle it is that Grampy is still here to see the day). We had a family party for them on the 21st, so my sister Laura (who lives in Helena) and I decided to fly down together and attend the festivities. She arrived at my house on Wednesday night and slept over so we could leave at 5am to catch our 9am flight from Billings to Mesa, where we would meet our sister, Lisa, and proceed to Tucson.Laura took this picture of Thursday's sunrise near Columbus, MT
After Lisa picked us up and Laura got her rental car, we stopped in Casa Grade to pick up Laura's oldest son, Tallon, who was adopted in 1992 and raised by an LDS family (The Smiths! We love them!) in SW Colorado. Tallon decided to find his birth mother a few months ago and he met Laura earlier this summer. He was born during the first month of my mission in North Carolina, so I never got to see him or hold him like other people in my family. Here is our very first hug:
Tallon & Me

Tallon & Lisa

We drove down to Tucson and checked in to our hotel, then went over to see the Grandparents. There we learned that mom (who had arrived from Utah the night before) was in the hospital. So we went to see her, then got some eegee's for dinner and went back to rest at the hotel.

Sam, Kristen, & Owen stopped by to visit us. Owen brought Grover ("Gwo-gwo")

As you can see, Owen is looking a lot like his pappy these days, and his mommy is still gorgeous as ever.


This is the beautiful little garden around our pool
Tallon had fun swimming with his "Uncle" Marshall & "Aunt" Abby
I loved these courtyards at our hotel...I really want to take my family to Mexico!

Laura & Jared with Gramp & Gram

Me & Uncle Matthew hangin' at Gram's on Friday
Friday afternoon we went out to the Linden Chapel to help Sam & Kristen set up for the party.

Starting to make Kristen's vision a reality!

There's my alma mater!
(facing east on Speedway & Euclid--note the huge thunderheads coming from the southeast...
they would later bring a monstrous monsoon storm that lasted well into the night on Saturday. My wish for a full-blown, thunder-and-lightning monsoon storm came true in a big way!)
Tom, remember getting slurpees at this sev? It's totally pimped out now.
(the 7-11 near the Institute on UA campus)
I slept over at the G'rent's house on Friday because Aunt Marti went home to Sierra Vista for some R&R (it was Uncle Ralph's bday Sunday and Cousin Maren had her baby boy--Cooper Ralph Allred--on Saturday morning). It was delightful but too short! I loved eating oatmeal with my Grampy Saturday morning and vacuuming and visiting. Sam even stopped by and helped me fix the vacuum. It was just like old times, when we lived there, the 4 of us, 14 years ago. *sigh* Saturday afternoon, we got dressed up and the Mayberry's picked us up for the big party.
Me & Gramps--his hair is growing back after chemo and it really does feel just like bunny fur.

Kristen made this beautiful poster for the entrance to the party.

Cousins gathering

Sam & Owen
Our two baldies: Grampy and Mom
[mom released herself from the hospital and came to the party, but she is still very sick and back home in Utah]

Cousin Cortney brought this pretty little cake from Gram & Gramp

Uncle Matt and my little baby Candace Kay

Uncle Matt & Yarky--Larkin, my cutie cuz.

Cousin Bill and his baby, Bruin
(aka Bruiser...they bred him for rugby)

Cousin Dave Mayberry's family with the Grandparents:
David, Lucy, Papa, Gram, Lacy, and Penelope/Peeps
[see all the family shots here]
Cousin Elise with Robby, Sarah, and Jeff--such a cute family! We talked about how awesome Jeff is on the way to Phoenix after the party.

Dave & Peeps
[I have video of Peeps talking about the party--"it's for Gramma Lyn because she got married" how long ago? "2 hours ago"--and her new cousin, Cooper; I'll post that bit on vimeo soon]

We invited Michael & Anna Gregg to the dinner since we knew the Posties couldn't make it from Australia. These crazy Gregg boys--Marcus & Zachary-- were pretty good substitutes, but we missed our Liam & Spencer and the rest of the fam! (Thanks for coming, Greggs!)

Sam MC'ed a little family history quiz.

Elrey cousins: Bill & Cort, Pearl, and Affee
(and the back of Samantha's head).

A fun display of pictures Kristen & Lacy put together

Aunt Elaine & Pearl at the treat table

My cute mommy

Me & my Grampy
Me & my Gram
Tallon & Gram
As we were leaving, we got this picture of Uncle Matt's family:
Aunt Lorelyn, Uncle Matt, Samantha, Larkin, and Candace with the Grandparents.
It was SOOOOO great to see Larkin and Candace. I spent so much time with those kids when they were little, I feel like they're mine.
After the party, we drove up to Phoenix to sleep over at Lisa's house and catch our plane at are Lisa and Tyler hanging out on the stairs while Laura and I got packed up. After this, we went out in a torrential downpour and got some Wendy's and watched SNL together and laughed ourselves to sleep (for 2-1/2 hours, then we left for the airport). Thanks for all the fun, Lisa--I love you! PS: Cody's the big spoon and don't you forget it!
We flew out of Mesa at 6am, landed in Billings at 9am local time (lost an hour--the flight is only and hour and 45 minutes! That somehow makes the 20-hour drive even more painful!) and were on the road back home by 10am. We got here at 11:45 and Laura got in her car and drove another 2 hours home. I had a hour to cook some lunch (warmed up chicken enchiladas and made brownies) and take a quick shower before my family came home from church. It was a joyous reunion...
Me & Addie

Me & James

Me & Heidi

My cute "Welcome Home Mom" sign...

so glad I went, but SOOOO glad to be home!


Brent said...

Perfect! Thanks for the photos, Maj! It makes missing the party not as difficult. I love you!

Becky said...

Love the little adoption reunion you threw in there. Very heartwarming!

Jamie said...

Brent: Oh, cuz, we missed you and Kev and Maren and Steven so much!! I am sorry I didn't get a good shot of your wife...she looked radiant and amazing!! We are so excited for the NEXT little Mayberry grandababy to get here...
Becky: Thanks for noticing ;) It was such a sweet reunion! He is a gentle giant and we're grateful his parents sent him to play!

Jenn said...

Glad you had such a nice time. And thanks for letting "play" with your wee ones! We had a great time! Glad you are home!

Audrey said...

I'm so sad we missed it. Looks like it was a great party.

Jill Petersen said...

I wish I could have been there as well, but I am glad it was a good turn out and everything looked amazing! I love the decorations and pictures on the table. Thank you so much for posting so many pictures. G and G were so patient weren't they?!


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