Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My Mama's in the American Fork Hospital with sepsis.
James has a double ear infection.
I have a sinus infection and the accompanying all-over inflammation is DEATH.
BUT...I caved and got us some antibiotics to kick this bug to the curb so we can party with the Buchert/ Egans like it's 1994 this weekend.
AND...I single-handedly did every bit of laundry in this house, sorted through every drawer, bin, and closet of kids' clothes, put all the keepers away, made piles of "awesome handmedowns" for friends, "too worn" for thrift store, and "need to be hemmed or mended" on my sewing table. All while watching a freaky French movie starring the ever-adorable Audrey Tatou on the satellite.
Click HERE to see what me wee ones were doing while I was in the AZ.
melins out.


Becky said...

Wow, way to channel feeling like death into productivity! So sorry to hear about your mom's yuck. Hope you all pummel these illnesses.

Shoeaddict said...

Sorry ya'll are all sick. ): Way to go on all that work. I'm trying to do all of that myself with a migraine and a cranky, teething baby.

Motherhood- I wouldn't trade it for the world!


Dear Loved Ones,                                                                                                        We have just ...